Chapter Twenty-Seven: Rejections and Revelations

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Deven's blood ran cold as he watched the woman he loved transform before him.

At first her body started to arch and twist. He watched her bones shift from under her skin, changing to shape of her arms and legs. Soon her face began to stretch and her body was coated with hair.

The entire scene was horrifying. Deven felt his knees buckle and his palms sweat. His first instinct was to run but he was frozen in fear, locked in place as he stared at his girlfriend as she began to turn into a wolf right before his eyes.

Alyssa could sense Deven fear. She could hear his heart beat and smell his sweat. She gulped, taking a small step towards him, audibly whimpering as he took his own step back. This was obviously not going as well as she earlier predicted. Finally the teenager decided she needed to phase back to better explain herself to Deven. Her body twisted and morphed as she phased back to her human form, her silver fur darkening to her usual ebony shade and her face flattening back to her human features. Finally, in a time period that felt fast to Alyssa but took an eternity for poor Deven, she was completely human.

"Deven-" Alyssa started as she reached down, grabbing her discarded shirt and pants, quickly pulling them back over her body. It was funny, she knew the young boy had seen her naked so many times before yet for some reason with him staring at her with that terrified look she felt more exposed then she ever had been around him. She stared at him, waiting for a response, but he just stood there, paralyzed with fear. "Say something." Alyssa finally begged, a lump already forming in her own throat.

Deven began to shake as soon as she addressed him, his fight or flight instincts kicking in, "W-what-what are you?" He managed out.

"Deven." Alyssa stepped forward again, quickly followed by Deven stepping backwards though he almost tripped over an elevated tree root. Alyssa winced as he stumbled and she continued, "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She whimpered, "It was against the ruled though. But I didn't want to keep this part of my life a secret anymore." She moved closer to him, relieved, as he didn't keep distancing himself from her. "I didn't want you to not know my other world. I wanted to see if you would love me-wolf and all."

Deven stared at her for a long time, and now it was Alyssa's turn to look nervous. She waiting for him to respond, terrified at what he would say next. What if he rejected her? How could she manage to move on from someone so perfect as him? Deven had become such a major part of her world. He helped her stop cutting. He got her to eat again. He made her happier then she ever thought she could be. He was the first boy she loved. She couldn't lose him. She couldn't stand the idea of him hating half of her live.

Finally she couldn't stand his silence so she quickly repeated: "I just didn't want to keep this secret anymore."

Deven looked at her with a look she couldn't quite figure out. She jumped as he moved forward, crouching down and picking up her shoes she had kicked off earlier. Moving towards the girl, he shoved her shoes into her arms, his eyes now cold. "You should have." He growled, his tone making Alyssa's blood run cold. "Now get out of here. And don't you dare ever come back."

Alyssa shook in shock as she watched him turn around quickly, rushing back to his house. After a moment or two she hard his back door slam shut loudly. She stood there, the December air feeling even colder then earlier, the woods eerily silent except for the sound of her heart shattering.

Suddenly, with as little warning as Deven rejection, Alyssa screamed, reaching her arm backward and pelting her shoes at a tree. She then turned around, quickly phasing and sprinting as fast as she could into the woods.

Alyssa was always the fasted runner as a kid in wolf form and human form. Her dad always said it was because she was so small, it allowed her to move quickly through the brush and branches of the forest unlike the other wolves. It always annoyed Jake that she was so much better at him when it came to both running and fighting.

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