Chapter Four: Forests and Falls

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         Author's Note:

        Thank you so much for reading! If you like it, a vote or a comment really lets me know that i am on the right path- story wise! I know this chapters short, but don't worry the others will be back to their normal length! I hope you enjoy reading and are prepared to learn a bit more about Alyssa!


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            Back at the Approx household Jared and Alyssa were trying to figure out a movie.          

            “Red Dawn.” Alyssa growled. 

            Jared shook his head, grabbing a different DVD, “No, Lion King! You chose last time!” 

            “Disney is for little kids!” Alyssa groaned, “Red Dawn is a classic.” 

            “Is not!” Jared winkled his nose. The arguing continued on for almost a half an hour. At one point Jared had actually pulled up bios on all the actors and actresses in the Lion King and also a comprehensive history on the making of the movie. He even was beginning to look up facts about lions until Alyssa made him stop. 

            Alyssa threw her hands up, “You know what, I don’t want to watch a movie anyway.” She yelled, marching upstairs.

            “Alyssa!” Jared shouted, feeling horrible for upsetting her, but she just slammed her door loudly as an answer.

            Alyssa growled, marching right across her room, swinging the window open and crawling onto her roof. She sat on the edge, glaring as she stared into the woods. Why was her family so annoying? Actually, the better question was why did he family hate her.

            She winced, knowing she was opening a door she usually tried to keep locked with as many locks as humanly possible. But it was true; everyone in her family seemed to hate her to an extent. She didn’t entirely blame them. It was her fault after all that her mother died.

            No matter what though, it was inexcusable that Jake and Jared both seemed to turn on her after the falling out with Noah. She knew that she got moody and angry, but she felt that it was a normal reaction to the emotional trauma she had endured at the time. However, instead of trying to talk her threw it and try to help her, her brothers both gave a half assed effort and then turned away when things got too tough. 

            Alyssa shook her head, grabbing her ponytail and yanking her it out. She stood up, eyeing the twenty-foot drop from her ledge to the hard ground. She had been plotting out the best way of doing this for a few days now, and finally she decided to just go for it.

            She stripped off her clothes, dropping them onto the ground below her, bra and all. She crouched down, like a diver about to race in a pool, staring at the space below her. She finally looked forward, focusing on the skyline of trees before her, leaning forward.

            At the last minute, before he free fall, she kicked forward, stretching out into the air. Eyes still forward, she felt the gravity begin to work on her body. For just a moment time stood still and she took in the rush of not touching anything. For a moment she was weightless. All the stresses she had was now falling to the world and leaving her behind. Her family didn't hate her, her father wasn’t a monster, and her mother was still alive. She was still in Italy, running around the streets of her true home.

            Eventually though, her second of bliss had to stop, and she was forced to remember that the ground was only a few feet away. She closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of being a wolf. She felt a ripple go down her body as she began to phase, her bones shifting painlessly and fur erupting from her skin. She felt the tingling of her face stretching out, her muzzle taking form, and the pulling as her ears began to triangulate and reposition.

            Finally she opened her eyes, only ten feet from the ground now. She reached her front legs out, angling her body down so her front paws hit the ground first. As soon as she touched the earth she curled her body under her, taking off into a running start.

            This was her first time in the woods since moving to California, and she had to admit it was pretty magical. American forests were very different then the ones in Italia. The trees were more dense, the wildlife more abundant. As she ran, she felt free, just as she had in the air.

            She sprinted as fast as she could, and when she thought she was moving to quickly she just forced her legs to work even quicker. These woods would be her new home. She would weave in between trees now, not in the cobble stone streets of Italy.

            Her ran lasted for almost an hour until she reached the top of a near by hill, noticing a clearing. Panting, Alyssa collapsed onto her stomach, her heart racing after the workout. She had missed running. She looked at the land below her, her eyes scanning over the trees. Hammington looked so far away, so small. Staring at it from miles and miles away it really put things into perspective. She sighed, laying her head down, closing her eyes and just taking in the sounds of the world around her for a moment of meditation-like rest. 

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