Chapter Nine: Boyfriends and Blondes

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Author's Note:

        Do you spell blonde: blonde or blond? I never can tell which one is correct! Anyway, thanks for reading and if you like it I would love it if you gave it a vote or comment! 


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            The next few days, the Approx household was calm. Alyssa was at school from eight to three, still only talking to a select few: Ray and a few of his comrades she sat with at lunch. The seventeen year old didn’t want to admit it, but she actually liked the cheery schoolboy. Not in an attracted kind of way, but he was refreshing and seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. Also regardless of the mean things she said to him at first, he still stuck around.

            Jared had gone to a few job interviews on that Wednesday and Thursday, but had yet to officially get a job. Also neither of the places that interviewed him had anything to do with his artwork. He had only applied to a few galleries in the area, but he really had been hoping they would contact him.

            Jake was too busy to care about a job, since he had self-assigned himself to “Alaska Duty”. The girl was healing quickly, but with all of her energy going to the wound. That mixed with her drugs she had pretty much been sleeping for the past two days. Jake would wake her up to make her eat or take some more pills, but other then that he let her sleep.

             Jared was shocked at how mature his brother had suddenly become. He was cooking instead of ordering pizzas, washing Alaska’s dirty clothes, doing the dishes. It was as if Jake had finally become an actual adult.

            Soon Friday had arrived and everyone was well over excited for the upcoming weekend. Alaska was finally getting some energy back, Jared was going to go to some fun gallery-hop event a few towns over, and Alyssa was going to go out for the first time with kids her age in months.

             “I’m an intruder!” Alyssa hollered as she entered her house, tossing her book bag down. 

            “Take our sister!” Jared called back from the kitchen. 

            Alyssa rolled her eyes, glancing at Ray as he uncertainly put his bag down on the floor next to hers. “Put it wherever.” She told him, and then hollered walking towards the kitchen, “I hope you’re gay porn is off, Jared, we have company.” 

            As she entered with Ray in pursuit, Jared glared at her from where he was making a grilled cheese. He shook his head, not even responding and moved to Ray, “Hi, how are you?” He shook the boys hand then moved back to the stove.

            “This house is so nice.” Ray gaped from the doorway, looking at the stainless steel appliances, cherry-wood cabinets, and blue granite countertops. It was an elegant house, cozy yet also reform, with all new state-of-the-art appliances and furniture.

            Jared laughed, “It’s just a house.” He put his sandwich on a plate and began eating it, “So, you’re one of Alyssa’s school friends?” 

            Alyssa huffed, “His name is Ray.” She sat down finally, “He is staying here until the party tonight.”

             “Party?” Jared raised an eyebrow, but Alyssa didn’t elaborate. He decided not to press forward, figuring that it was good for her to be out with classmates anyway. Better then being cooped up in the house for a week. He also knew she was far from innocent, so she could hold her own during the party. She wouldn’t let any dumb boy push her around and probably knew her limits for alcohol. Drugs were really the only things Jared would be upset with her doing. 

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