Chapter Seven: Blue Eyes and Blood (Part 2)

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 Author's Note:

       Part two of the "Blue Eyes and Blood" chapter! Make sure you read part one first to know what's going on. Thank you so much for reading, it means the world that you clicked on this book! But I have noticed that these two chapters have gotten quite a few more views then the others. I highly recommend reading from the beginning, there are tidbits that have to of known to understand whats going on now- and in the future. Thank you again for reading!


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            “This ice cream seriously is delicious.” Jake said as he licked his mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. He eyed her sundae, chuckling at the odd things on it. It was cookie dough ice cream with gummy worms, Oreos, fudge, and rainbow sprinkles. “Ice cream isn’t meant to have toppings.” He said for the forth time since she ordered it.

            Alaska stuck her tongue out at him, before slurping on a gummy worm as if it was a strand of spaghetti. “This ice cream wanted to have topping on it. It told me itself.”

            “If your ice cream is really talking to you, we might have some problems here.” Jake laughed, licking his again.

            Alaska giggled, getting up a spoonful of ice cream, “Try it.” She moved to try to get him to take a bite.

            “Ew, no!” Jake laughed, pulling away, trying with all of his might to avoid the spoon. After a few seconds of doing that, he suddenly froze, growing silent as he felt a nagging in his head.

            “Jae?” Alaska asked, noticing the change in his body language.

            “Alyssa is in trouble.” He stood up suddenly, dropping his ice cream cone onto the metal table. Jake recognized the pull to run towards his sister. She only let out emergency alerts if something really bad was happening. He had only ever gotten two before: once when a werewolf hunter in Italy was attacking her, and once when she was stuck in a rockslide. He was terrified about what this must be.  

            Alaska frowned following him as he ran towards the woods behind the little strip of shops they had been walking around. As they entered the trees, both began stripping off shirts and Alaska kicked off her shoes as they still ran. Jake didn’t even take the time to enjoy her bare skin; he instead was just focused on trying to use his connection with Alyssa to figure out where she was. East, she was only a mile east of the couple.

            Without any effort, they both phased, Jake erupting into a large grey wolf while Alaska was an unusual chocolate brown color that matched the shade of her own human hair. They sprinted forward, and Alaska tensed smelling her brother’s familiar scent.

            “Alyssa!” Jake called, and he breathed out as he heard her yelp, he toward the noise, seeing a flash of silver as she ran past him. He slowed, confused what she was running from, but suddenly his question was answered as a big ebony wolf trailed behind her. Jake growled, running now towards the giant, lunging at him and biting his back throwing him to the ground.

            Alaska gasped seeing Jake bite her brother and then turned to see that Alyssa had stopped running about fifteen yards away, also watching the fight unfold. “Jake, stop!” Ala finally called, sprinting and trying to nudge Jake away from her brother. Both males were snapping at each other’s throats, and soon Alaska had to use force to get Jake off.

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