Chapter Fifteen: Dates and Danger

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             “You’re early.”

            Alyssa smirked as she walked into Deven’s house, the blonde boys hair still wet, showing that he had just showered. She could smell his Ax shampoo radiating off of him and the hint of an aftershave product. Odd, she couldn’t imagine him with face stubble. 

            Deven watched the girl walk in and he gulped murmuring softly, “I was pretty certain I said it was at eight.’ He looked around his house. He had been running late- as usual- to get ready for the date. The pizza wasn’t even ordered yet; his coat was thrown over the couch, the sink full of dishes. The house was still a wreck, not prepared for a date!

            Alyssa turned and gave a dazzling smile, “I’m sorry. I was already on my way over here when I realized my clock was an hour fast. I was still on Italian time.” She lied easily, doubting that the boy would realize that Italy was actually nine hours ahead of them.

            Honestly, she went because she had decided she was definitely going to go on the date; and she knew that if she didn’t leave while she had a surge of confidence she never would actually go. The girl had been going back and forth all day on if she should go or not.

            She knew this was dangerous, potentially starting a relationship with a human. It put him, herself, her pack, her family, and possibly the entire town in trouble. Paranormals and humans did not mix for a reason. It was unnatural. Deep down, Alyssa was aware how stupid it was to be going on this date.

            But she didn’t care.

            Between the twins and Alaska, Alyssa was furious as her entire family. Jake should have known better then to ‘forbid’ her from going on a date. Of course she was going to go now! She was alpha, she was an independent woman, and she could date who ever she wanted too. She needed to remind Jake of that.

            And how dare Alaska refuse Alyssa’s pack; to suggest that Alyssa was a bad alpha? Well then, Alyssa would give Alaska a real reason to think that. If Alyssa wasn’t good enough for Alaska, then what did she have to lose by dating a human? Alaska thought Alyssa was a bad alpha, so now Alyssa had the excuse to be a bad one.

            After school she retired to her room and spent a good few hours contemplating on if she was going to go or not. To protect her pack or spite her brothers and Alaska. Finally she jumped from her roof and took off to Deven’s house; her mind made up.

            Deven looked around helplessly as the girl took off her light jacket and hung it up. He was definitely not prepared for her to be early. “Have a seat.” He moved towards the couch with her, rubbing his arm awkwardly. “I have some soda’s and chips?” He offered, his confidence shaken by the impromptu visit.

            Alyssa chuckled, relaxing on the soft couch, admittedly enjoying his discomfort. “We are going to watch a movie, right?” She looked up at him, a small smirk playing on his lips. She hated to admit it, but she like watching him inwardly panic over her.

            Deven gulped and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I was going to pick one out on Netflix but-“

            Alyssa cut him off, chuckling to herself, “Hey, I know I am early.” Her eyes glinted with amusement, “How about you finish getting ready? I’ll order the pizza and pick a movie.” She moved grabbing the remote. As the boy didn’t move she spoke up, “Go on! Get going. I promise I can handle searching Netflix by myself.”

            Deven watched as she turned on the tv and he raised an eyebrow. He was impressed by how she just took charge; he liked that in a girl.

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