Chapter Fourteen: Offers and Alphas

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        Alyssa sprinted through the woods, still fuming over her fight with Jake and Alaska. Why did people think it was okay to tell her what to do? She knew she was young, she knew she was a girl. But damn it, she was an alpha! In any other pack the alpha got respect. Their pack mates listened to them. Other wolves feared them. Alphas were the epitome of power. And yet here she was, having some new bitch come on her land and tell her what she can or can’t do. If it weren’t for the fact that Jake was madly in love with Alaska, Alyssa would of put that girl in her place weeks ago. 

            Alyssa felt anger ripple through her as she replayed the conversations she had earlier today. She converted her anger into energy, using it force her running to speed up. She leapt over tree roots and danced around rocks, effortlessly gliding through the dense forest. 

            Running had always been a point of relaxation for her. It was one of the only times she could really clear her head, stopping her thoughts temporarily. It gave her tranquility and- 


            Alyssa nearly tripped over her own two feet as the voice penetrated her mind. She skidded to a stop, some newly fallen leaves flying up in the air behind her. It was just the end of summer with fall just on the horizon. Some of the forest had prematurely begun losing their leaves, but the majority of the woods were still a variety of the color greens.

            Alyssa tensed, her eyes darting around the deceitfully empty forest around her. She knew Aaron was close, but still not near enough for his scent to rat out his presence. “Where are you?” She asked, her voice a low growl.

            “I’m still on my land. Invite me over, I need to talk.” Alyssa was more than a little surprised that Aaron was following wolf customs. She never took him as one to follow rules; the older man never done anything to make her thing otherwise. She had decided he was the hotheaded bad boy type as soon as she set eyes on him. Yet here he was, not trespassing into her property and actually asking for permission to see her. Maybe he learned that she wasn’t a force to be reckoned with after she took half of his own land.

            Or the dumbass really wanted something.

             “Fine.” Alyssa let her curiosity get the better of her. She wanted to know what the wolf needed to talk to her about. Within minutes the ebony alpha was in front of her, his eyes holding concern over some unknown matter.

            “My sister has gone crazy.” Aaron got straight to the point.

            That’s what I’d say. Alyssa was tempted to say her thoughts out loud but decided against it. She needed to be professional, to show these arrogant alpha males that she wasn’t a joke. “Your point?” She asked, curtly.

            “She just announced that she is leaving my pack.” Aaron watched as Alyssa face contorted with shock that even she couldn’t hold back.

            Alaska left the Luke Pack? Alyssa’s mind began to race. What did this mean? Had Jake suggested her to join Alyssa’s pack? No. Jake and Alyssa didn’t get along that much but even he had enough respect to ask his own alpha about inviting in a new member. So, was Alaska just assuming that Alyssa would let her join? Or was Alaska planning on just being pack-less? A rogue.

            Alyssa pushed that thought back. No one in his or her right mind would actually become a rogue; especially someone as sociable and friendly as Alaska. Rogues were the rejects of the human and wolf worlds. They were too supernatural to safely fit in with any humans, and yet too socially inept to be around wolves. They didn’t fit into any packs or others of their kind. They had no friends, no family, and no respect from society. No one would want to bestow that upon themselves.

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