Chapter Thirteen: Romance and Rogues

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        “You are NOT going out with that boy!” Jakes voice rang through the house. Alaska jumped from where she was at in the kitchen. She had been taking some more of her Vicodin and didn’t want the boy to notice. She quickly gulped down the four pills, not bothering with any water. She then threw the orange bottle back in the kitchen drawer where hopefully Jake wouldn’t notice it.

It was Thursday now and she was almost done with the bottle Jake had just recently filled up. No one knew she had been taking so many of them and she didn’t want anyone to worry. She wasn’t taking too many, she was a werewolf her liver could handle it. And she definitely wasn’t taking the for the light high it gave. No, she instead needed them for her headaches.

            It had been a few days of this never-ending headache with no tranquility in sight.  It was almost blinding, like something in her head was trying to claw itself out. It was always when she was around Jake when it was the worse. They would be kissing or just holding hands in his bed, talking about their dreams, when the pain would strike. The girl just couldn’t figure it out.

            So she took her Vicodin to help numb it. Not because she needed the drugs, just because she needed a break from the pain. Jake didn’t need to know. He would just worry. Besides, she wasn’t doing anything actually wrong.

                Maybe if she kept telling herself that it would be true.

        "You don’t control me, Jake!” Alyssa answered her brother, her tone dangerously pissed.

        Alaska frowned, worried about what the two were fighting about now. She had never seen a pair of sibling yell as much as they did. Whether it was about doing the dishes or going on pack runs, they kids just never stopped bickering.

        Ala hurried into the room, trying to see what today’s fight was about. Hopefully this time it would blow over quickly, instead of like yesterdays fight when Alyssa wouldn’t vacuum the living room. The fight ended with Jake phasing and leaving for two hours and Alyssa slamming her door and not coming down from the root no matter how long Alaska begged her.

        As the older woman entered the room she groaned seeing Jake and Alyssa standing on opposite sides, both obviously in the offensive position. Jake was fuming, his jaw clenched, eyes narrowed. Alaska couldn’t help but be amused as Alyssa had the same glare as her older brother, but the girl did look more threatening.

        But maybe that was because after a boy made you a pancake with a whipped cream smiley face it was hard to be scared of him.

        “Hey, what’s going on?” Alaska finally spoke up, letting her presence be known.

        Jake jumped, instantly calming down. He didn’t want his girl to see him so angry. He always tried to hide his and Alyssa’s fights but he knew Ala heard them all. The girl tried so often to make him sit down with his sister to talk it out, but they never did. “Ala…” He started, but then glanced back at Alyssa, glaring as he was stuck. He wanted to continue this argument with Alyssa but not let Alaska get in the middle of it.

        “Good, your girlfriend is here.” Alyssa smirked wickedly, moving towards the girl and Jake tensed even more. He knew his sister was going to try to get Alaska on her side; and with her crazy manipulation skills she might just be able too. “Alaska, I have a date tonight and Jake doesn’t want me to go.”

        Alaska gulped looking at Jake, confused. Her thoughts raced. Why was Jake not allowing it? Why was he so upset? Jake answered her questions by shouting out: “Its because he is a human!”

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