Chapter Twenty-Four: Shadows and Smoke

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Author's Note:

I suck. I am so sorry for vanishing, I was having a major case of writers block. I am going to try to start posting weekly again however. To everyone who stuck with my story— thank you for waiting. I really appreciate every single one of my readers! I love you.

Read, vote, comment, and share!

Ciao <3 

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            Deven smelled good, even though he was unusually sweaty for a teenage boy.

            That was all Alyssa noticed as she lay on his bed, his arm slung over her body. He was fast asleep; tired from their last round of 'activities'. It was still early in the night though, and Alyssa- who normally did not go to sleep until the sun was about to rise- was not able to sleep.

            She huffed, looking up at the ceiling. His room was nice, but she missed not being able to see the stairs of the mural in her own room. Lately she had been spending a lot of time at his house. Especially since Jake had been extra impatient with her. He was constantly snapping at her and asking her to help around the house. She knew it was only because Alaska had been recovering from the fire and he was worrying himself sick about her. But regardless, Alyssa did not appreciate her brother's rotten attitude.

            She nearly jumped out her skin as her cell phone vibrated on the bedside table. She glanced at it, frowning as she got a text. She glanced at Deven, making sure she wasn't awake. Aly then slipped out from under his arm, finally able to sit up and grab her phone.

            'We need to talk. I think something bad is going on.'

            Alyssa frowned at the ominous text from the unknown number. The wheels in her head turned as she tried to think of who is could be. Quickly she figured it out: Aaron. She knew he had been snooping around to figure out what started the fire. He must of stumbled upon something big if he has texted her.

            'Meet me at my house in ten.'  Alyssa responded quickly. She then sat up on the bed, eyeing Deven one last time. He was sound asleep so she saw no point in saying goodbye. She instead slipped off, making sure to not move the bed at all, slipping on her shoes and leaving quickly.

            As she got outside, the raven-haired girl started walking home. She eyed the woods, knowing she would get home quicker if she phased into a wolf. However, lately she just wasn't in the mood to be a wolf. Every time she phased, all she could think of was how Deven didn't know about it. She and Deven shared everything. He knew her better then anyone else. Hell, she knew she was falling for him. And yet she still hadn't told him about a huge part of her life. It made her feel like there was a ball of lead in her stomach.

            Alyssa walked home slowly, rubbing her arms as the cold air washed over her. It was December 20th, and even in California the weather was starting to drop low. She eventually made it to her house, besting the cold that could have been avoided if she had just turned into a wolf.

            As the teenager neared the building, she frowned, sniffing the air. She could tell by his scent that Aaron was near. She crept towards the back porch, sighing as- just as she sensed- he was sitting on the back steps.  "Why did you call me here?"

            Aaron sighed, not focusing on her, instead staring out into the forest, his arms propped on his knees and his hands clasped tightly together. Worry was obviously written on his face. "I think I know who killed my sister."

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