Chapter Twenty-One: Movies and Moves

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“No way! Jason Mraz is ten times better then Ed Sheeran!” Jared laughed as he and Alexandria walked up his driveway, heading back to his house. They had just returned from the concert her father tricked them to go into. The entire time Alexandria had been gushing over how amazing Ed Sheeran had been. Jared had agreed but mentioned that he liked Jason Mraz’s music more. That's when this argument broke out.

 “You are so wrong.” Alexandria laughed, “Eddy is so much better!”

 Jared chuckled deeply, “Eddy?” He teased. “You sound as if you are one of his best friends.”

“In my mind we are!” She retorted, her voice still playful.

Jared looked down at her hand as they walked, his heart rate increasing drastically as he realized now would be a great opportunity to reach for it. But what if she pulled away? What if he took her hand and she thought he was a creep and hit him? Or just said they wanted to be friends? Or she let him hold it but then he tripped and pulled her down with him? The possible consequences were endless!

But the potential benefits were worth it.

He gulped; trying to muster up the bit on confidence he had in him, reaching his hand out to gently take hers.

“Oh!” Alexandria suddenly said, grabbing her purse and shuffling through it as they walked. “I totally forgot to text my driver when to come get me.” She pulled out her phone and Jared dropped his arm back to his side, the one chance he had all night to hold her hand gone. “When should he pick me up?” Her emerald eyes looked back into his.

Jared felt his gathered confidence resurge and blurted out, “Later.” He was impressed that he managed to say that, “How about we watch a movie? The night is still young.” It was close to eleven, however he and her worked many night shifts till five am before so he knew she wasn’t too tired.

Alexandria felt a smile form on her face, “Okay, sounds great.” She glanced back to her phone. 

Jared grinned, proud of himself as he opened the door. Never before had he been that assertive to a girl before. He let her walk in before him, but as he followed he nearly jumped seeing a strange form on the couch.

“Hey, Jared.”

It took him a split moment before he realized that Ray was spread out on the couch, flipping through the channels. “Ray, hey.” Jared said, still surprised to see the boy. They had hung out a few times before and whenever Alyssa wasn’t with Deven she was with Ray—however, Jared knew that both he and Aly were out that night. So Ray was just in the house alone?

Ray almost read the boys mind, “Sorry, I came over to get a book and Alaska and Jake offered me some dinner.” He shrugged, “We then started a movie but they got tired and went upstairs. Jake said it would be fine if I stayed here.”

“Oh.” Jared nodded, the story adding up, “That make sense.” He suddenly remembered Alexandria standing next to him, “Oh, Ray, this is Alexandria my coworker I was telling you about. Alexandria, this is my friend Ray I mentioned earlier.”

Alexandria slyly looked at him, “You told him about me?” She blushed cutely. 

“You told her about me?” Ray exclaimed, much more animatedly. Jared blushed, feeling like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Ray noticed and smirked, rubbing salt into the wound, “Aw, Alex, we made him blush.” 

Alexandra chuckled but mumbled, “It’s actually Alexandria.” She said under her breath, she smiled as Ray got up, shaking her hand.

“Here, have my seat.” Ray let her sit on the couch were he was and as her back was turned he mouthed a ‘nice’ to Jared. Jared stuck his tongue out playfully and moved to sit down. 

Ray swooped in to the far seat, forcing Jared to sit in the middle next to Alexandria. The dark skinned boy smirked, proud of his wingman skills. “So what shall we watch, lovebirds?” 

Alexandria grinned, looking at Ray and then Jared. Jared just stared forward, his poker face on yet a scarlet blush covering his cheeks.

“No answers?” Ray chuckled, “Romeo + Juliet it is.” He selected a movie. Alexandria glanced at Jared half way through the movie. Ray had been commenting the movie, making jokes and sarcastic little comments. Jared had calmed down but still been quiet, like he kind of had been the entire night. She smiled, liking how sweet and timid the boy was compared to the men her friends tried to set her up with. He looked down slowly inching her hand towards his before taking it.

Jared almost passed out just from holding her hand. 

A few hours after the movie had ended and Alexandria and Ray had left while Jared went to bed. The house was asleep until the front door swung open loudly. Alyssa stumbled into the house, exhausted. It was close to four am and she was exhausted. But staying out was well worth it.

She and Deven did it. They finally did. While it was far from Alyssa’s first time, it was the first time for Deven. She knew it was a big deal. He had told her so many times that he wanted to wait for marriage but tonight he decided he couldn’t any longer. That he wanted her now. Alyssa knew deep down he was about to say he loved her, but she kissed him right before he said those dreaded words.

She went up to her room, collapsing on her bed, staring at the stars painted on her ceiling. She smiled sweetly, thinking about the boy she had just been entwined with. He was so sweet and kind to her. They would stargaze all the time, just talking about the things they wanted and had lost. 

She did feel bad though that she couldn’t tell him about being a wolf. He was so open and honest with her, but she couldn’t even tell him about half of her life. Alyssa felt guilt begin to fill her stomach, turning over, staring at her wall.

 Deven had totally helped her stop eating and cutting. He helped her open up about her daddy problems and gave her refuse from her own home when her brothers and Alaska made it to difficult to stay. 

She closed her eyes. She knew he loved her even if she stopped him from saying it earlier. And the worse part was she felt like deep down she could love him too. But she couldn’t say it until she knew that he loved the other side of her. The wolf her.

She had to tell him she was a werewolf.

*        *        *        *        *        *        *        *

Author's Note:

Comment, vote, and share! Sorry this chapter is kind of short-- the next chapter is a BIG one though! 

Love you <3 Ciao!

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