Chapter Twenty-Five: Christmas Carols and Heart Break

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Author's Note:

 I hope you enjoy this chapter! I am finally back into the swing of updating! Comment, like, and share if you like my work :)

Ciao <3

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            "Alyssa! Aly!" Jared's screams rang in the house, his footsteps pounding on the wooden flooring of the house. Alyssa wasn't even completely awake yet before her bedroom door swung open with a blaring thud.

            "Wha—?" Alyssa started to sit up, the bright over-head lights practically blinding her. Suddenly someone had jumped on the bed, bouncing around excitedly.

            "Aly! Aly! Aly!" Jared continued to yell as he play hit her arm, finally making her completely awake.

            "What?!" Alyssa yelled, her heart hammering as adrenaline kicked in.

            "It's here!" Jared continued to holler, "It's Christmas!"

            The raven-haired girl groaned loudly, falling back onto her bed, covering her face with a pillow. Why was her brother so childish? Since they were little, Jared's favorite day of the year was Christmas. He could always wake her up the same way—sneak attack. And every year she fell for it.

            "Come on! Wake up! We have to go downstairs!" Jared screamed still bouncing on her bed, making her mattress shake and covers fall off.

            "In a minute." Aly groaned, her voice filled with anger.

            "Good, good! Jake and Ala are making French toast." His voice was filled with his adolescent joy.  "Hurry quick before I eat it all!" He raced out of room, zooming down the stairs.

            Alyssa laid in bed a minute longer before tossing the pillow off of her face and sat up, slinging her legs over the bed and started on her way downstairs. As soon as she made it to the main level she heard musical laugher from the kitchen. Alyssa reluctantly entered the room, instantly met with Christmas carols playing. Suddenly a pile of white flew past Alyssa's head, splattering on the wall with a cloud of white.

            "Sorry, Alyssa!" Alaska laughed before reaching over and grabbing another pile of flour out of a bowl, pelting it at Jake. The two were covered in the white substance, the powder painted all over there clothing, arms, and faces. They obviously had a cooking war.

            "Jared said there'd be French toast." Alyssa sat at a barstool, looking un-amused about the messy battle Ala and Jake were having.

            Jake smirked wickedly as he realized the opportunity handed to him, "Yeah, I have a plate for you right over here." He crept towards the bowl of flour, trying to non-suspiciously gather a handful of it to pelt Alyssa with. "Do you want it now?" He snickered.

            Alyssa rolled her eyes, moving to pick up an old newspaper that was still on the counter. She flipped to the news section, "Jake, if you throw that flour on me, I will make your life a living hell."

            Jake froze mid step, huffing. Damn, how did se always know? He was tempted to still throw it but instead spun around tossing it onto Alaska.

            "Jake!" Alaska groaned at it coated her face. "It got in my nose, ew." She whined loudly.

            Jake moved to her, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit your face." He laughed, tilting her head off and kissed her nose. Right as he pulled back, she puffed some air out of her nostrils, flour falling out of them. Jake theatrically cringed, "You're gross."

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