A Message (Part 2)

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You don't know who I am.

Not yet anyway.

But I know you.

I hope you enjoyed meeting my children. I hope you understood the morale of their tales. Every ounce of their pains, joys, fears, and love... it was all for a reason.

If you followed my bread crumbs. If you read every word. If you didn't just read, and instead tried to understand, I promise this journey wasn't pointless.

At this point in my tale, my children have finally all met. Their paths have intertwined and their true journeys are only beginning.

I hope you join me next time... for Red Spirit.

You may even learn who I am.

* * * * * * *

Authors Note:

Two years. Two flipping years.

It feels like a century since I began working on this story, but it's only been two years.

In two years I have hit my lowest low point. I have had my heart broken. I have lost friends I never thought I'd lose. I have also gained relationships I could only dream of. I have conquered things I never knew I'd even intercept. I have finished this story.

I hope you enjoyed this book. I have honestly loved writing it. My characters are like family, and I love writing about them for you. If you did, please let me know. But eitherway... I am so proud of myself and this book.

I am not sure when I will begin working on the sequel Red Spirit. It took me about two months to plan Blue Lupus, but hopefully I will move faster for this one.

I also will be editing Blue Lupus for a little bit, mainly fixing typos and removing some plot-line dead ends I have noticed from earlier chapters. The plot will not be changing, but if anything monumental gets added to this book, I will make a quick status of the change on my Wattpad account, so follow me if you want to stay updated in that aspect. Also if you want to be updated when I publish Red Spirit make sure to follow me!

Thank you guys SO MUCH for joining me on this ride. It's been a hell of a trip, and I have a feeling Red Spirit will be just as fun.

I love you all.

Ciao <3

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