Chapter Three: Classes and Scratches

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           Author's Note:

        Hello, lovely! Thank you for reading this story, I hope you are enjoying it! If you have any comments/suggestions/ question please feel free to message me or comment below! I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was so much fun to write!


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        The school was smaller then what Alyssa had expected. It was just one long hallway, classrooms on either side. There only had to be about 40 rooms all together. The cafeteria was just tabled placed in an open part of a library. There was no auditorium, no sports fields, nothing. Just a run down brick building, right in the center of “the nice side” of Hammington.

            Alyssa yanked her book back strap more onto her shoulder. As usual she felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb. The two hundred students the school taught were all hurrying up and down the halls, like mice trying to get back to their little holes in the wall. Most were dressed in dirty looking clothes. Ripped jeans, ancient t-shirts, dusty baseball caps. Perhaps the oily haired teenagers were the reason of the school smelling the way it did.

            Alyssa on the other hand, was not in dingy handy-down clothing. She was clad in a black skater dress and even blacker convers. She had a ruby necklace on, the shade of red matching her lipstick. Her hair was left in its usual perfect spirals. A leather wrist cuff was also secured onto her left arm. She told herself it was because she was badass, but she knew deep down she just wanted to hide the scars from the eyes of stranger. But after seeing the kids at this school, she was doubtful she cared about any of their opinions.

            As continued gliding into her class, getting into room 6A about half a minute after the bell rang. Her eyes scanned around the room. The once white walls were now a grey, matching the clothes of most of her new peers. There were tables and chairs set up for about twenty kids, but only half were filled. She was curious if the reason the school was so empty was because of a lack of teenagers in Hammington or perhaps the large number of drop outs the town supplied.

            Alyssa noticed most of the kids were sitting in the front, all-talking to each other. In a town like this, she wouldn’t be surprised if everyone had known each other since preschool. The teacher hadn’t even arrived yet, so Alyssa moved in, walking to a seat in the back corner of the class. So far no one seemed to be phased by her entrance. Maybe if she was quiet no one would try to talk to-

            “Hey!” Her head looked up to see a boy standing right in front of her desk. His greeting had been friendly, but still made her insides cringe. “You’re new here.” A boyish grin was glued onto his face, “I’m Ray.”

            Alyssa studied the young adult, taking him all in. He was short for a boy, and also looked young. He was black, his eyes dark as well. His hair was in cornrows, and he was wearing a large faded yellow t-shirt and loose jeans. The first thing that really struck her though was his baby face. This kid was in high school?

            The girl was tempted to just not answer Ray, but instead forced out: “Alyssa.”

            Ray grinned even wider, “You’re one of the new people that just moved here, right? From Italy?” 

            Aly tensed, not liking how the news of her family was spread like wild fire. She didn’t even know this boys name until now, and he had known where she was from. She was use to keep her family well guarded, due to her fathers jobs and her and her brothers powers. “Yeah...” Her voice trailed off as she looked at the wall. No windows were in the room, so sadly she didn’t have that distraction to keep her entertained.

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