Chapter Nineteen: Attacks and Aftershocks

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        “You’re so slow!” Alaska laughed as she jogged in the woods, Jake trailing a few yards behind her, putting much more effort then the girl into their evening run. It had become an almost ritual for the pair, going on a hike as wolves after dinner every night. It was nice to just have some alone time to them. They would talk about their lives, futures, and dreams. They would hunt, play in the creeks, and jump in puddles if it was raining. They were young and wild and free.

            “I am just enjoying my walk, not racing.” Jake tried to pretend he wasn’t actually slower, but they both knew better. She was Lupus, she was naturally stronger in wolf form. She was born a wolf, not a human- it wasn’t his fault that she was faster! 

            Alaska laughed, using their mental link, and she turned around moving back to her boyfriend. Her tail was raised high and her eyes glinted with happiness as she approached him and nuzzled her wet nose into his silky coat. She closed her eyes and inhaled, letting his scent cloud her mind.

            After a moment she pulled back, her tail waving in the air as she quickly nipped his ear, signaling that she wanted to play. 

            “No biting!” Jake chided, though his voice was empty from any actual annoyance from her nip. He watched as she jumped in the air, slamming her front paws on the ground and raising her rump, in the traditional ‘lets play’ position. He copied for form, letting the girl know that he was in. Wrestling was always fun, especially as wolves! He and Alyssa never really played much since she was alpha and had to act more dignified, so it was a new skill Jake was learning.

            The male wolf gave a soft growl, preparing to tackle Alaska. As soon as he moved forward, however, she had already spun around, sprinting out of his reach and into the depths of the forest.

            “Lets see how fast you can actually run!” Alaska’s voice rang with laughter as she sped into the woods, Jake trailing after her. The dead leaves of fall crunched under their feet and flew up into the air behind them as she sprinted into the forest. Other then that though, the woods was silent.

        If they hadn’t been lost in the game of tag, the two wolves might have realized how eerie the setting was. With no sounds of birds chirping or rabbits burrowing under the leaves, it was as if the wildlife had deserted the entire area, aware of some unknown, looming threat.

        However, the two wolves kept playing, Jake nipping at Alaska’s tail as he almost caught up to her. Alaska didn’t give him the change to tackle her, however, and instead picked up speed, soon sprinting with all of her might.

        Jake watched Alaska move further and further out of his reach until finally she was out of his sight, camouflaged by the shrubbery surrounding them. He slowed down, looking around, panting hard as he tried to catch his breath and cool off his body. “I give up!” He called, his breathing labored. He knew he’d never catch the girl now.

        He sat down; his heart beat finally slowing to a normal rate. The grey wolf took a deep breath, waiting for Alaska to realize he wasn’t still playing and return to him. The trees stared down on him, their leaves rustling in the light breeze, as if warning the boy to leave. Jake grew uncomfortable as the minutes passed. He stood up, trotting a bit further towards were Alaska had run off too.

        “Hey, come on back.” He called; growing a bit worried, as the girl didn’t respond to him. Did she think they were still playing? “Lets go back home and get some ice cream.” He tried to bribe, as if that would make the girl magically appear next to him. 

        Jake’s ears twitched as he tried to listen for any sign of his girlfriend out in the woods. He let out a whine that resembled the noise of a dog waiting for his owner to return from a long day at work. Finally after about half a minute his ears picked up on a noise:

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