Chapter Twelve: Baristas and Beauty Queens

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Author's Note:

        Thank you for making it this far! I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it. If you are, please give it a vote or comment, it would be greatly appreciated!

Ciao <3

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            “I got a job! I got a job!” Jared’s voice rang through the house, along with the sound of his footsteps as he tore through the house, racing downstairs to his siblings. “I got a mother-trucking job!” He used his childish replacement for the cuss word.

            Jake looked up the cereal he was eating, his mouth full and eyes wide as his twin jumped around the room. A little milk dripped down his chin and Alaska laughed, using her napkin to dab it off. 

            “What job?” Alaska asked her boyfriends clone.

            Alyssa had been pouring her usual every-morning coffee and calmly answered for Jared, “Who cares? It’s not like we need the money.” 

            Jared refused to let his sisters negatively affect his high; he instead gave Alaska an enthusiastic answer, “At this coffee shop on Main Street!” His voice was still about an octave too loud for an ‘indoor voice’ and Alaska couldn't help but rub her sensitive ears. At moments like this she wished she didn’t have her wolf hearing.

            Jake finally finished his mouthful of cereal, swallowing it with a loud gulp, “I thought you wanted to work at a museum? Or art gallery?”

            “Jake, obvious Jared is going to now be using coffee as his medium.” Alyssa’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she leaned against the counter, taking a slow sip of her coffee.

             Jared rolled his eyes, upset that his family was not as enthused as him. “Okay, one:” He started, “We do need money. We can’t just live off of our fathers bank account for the rest of our lives.” He didn’t notice his siblings both wince at the thought of their dad. He instead continued, “Two: The coffee shop displays local art all the time, and if I work there I have an in to get my work out there.” He then raised his third finger, “And finally: using coffee to make art?” He mused, “Great idea, Aly, thanks!” He actually thought her insult would be a great idea for a painting. 

            Alyssa tipped her mug towards him, “That’s what I am here for.” 

            “That café is the 24/7 one, right?” Alaska piped up. “Isn’t it called Full Moon?”

             Jared nodded excitedly, “Yeah!”

            Alaska wrinkled her nose, “Be careful. At night a lot of weird people like to go there.” She began to think about the supernatural creatures that lurked around the town. Not everyone was either human or werewolf. There were Wiccan, clairvoyants, vampires, people who dabbled in black magic, and many other forms of paranormal beings. “Do they know that you know about creatures?”

            Jared nodded, “Yeah, during the interview I was like “hey my twin is a werewolf.” He snickered, joking. As everyone just glared he decided to tell the truth, “It seriously did come up though. The manager asked why I moved to town and I told him that my family wanted to study the wolves around here. As soon as I said wolf the guy seemed to get my drift. 

            Alaska grinned, “Good. I am so happy that you got a job, Jare.” She moved and gave him a quick hug, “But heads up, humans go there too. You can’t let them know about werewolves or anything like that.”

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