Chapter Six: Blue Eyes and Blood (Part 1)

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        Alyssa’s head shot up as she heard the ruffling of leaves about ten yards behind her. She had fallen asleep by mistake, the sounds of the forests relaxing her when she was trying to meditate to clear her mind. She jumped up, twirling around towards the noise, her shackles up. Lowering her head and swishing her tail behind her, she showed her teeth, ready to attack whatever was coming at her.

            “Calm down, blue eyes.” A voice suddenly infiltrated her head.

Alyssa took a moment to search her mind for the person the voice belonged too. Suddenly it dawned on her, “Aaron.” She raised her head back up, the fur on her back slowly lowering as she relaxed. 

Aaron slinked out of the woods, his dark brown eyes on the young alpha. She was a divine light silver-grey wolf. She was smaller then him, due to being a Sapienas, but even with that she seemed a bit petite for an alpha. Her fur was thick and glowed under the moonlight, the light breeze ruffling her fur. 

Alyssa also took in Aaron’s physique, curious about the other alpha. He was huge, and had to have been close to one hundred and fifty pounds compared to her small seventy-pound size. He had dark black fur, some parts speckles with a few silver hairs. His paws were practically the size of her human face. He was a creature not to be reckoned with. 

 “What are you doing here?” Alyssa growled softly, her voice serious.

Aaron rolled his eyes, “Technically this is my land.”

Alyssa bristled, her eyes growing. Would he attack her for being on his property? She hadn’t even known it wasn’t free land. “I didn’t smell any markings.” She looked around nervously.

Aaron slowly started to walk around her, almost like he was circling prey. His steps were silent, but his body was relaxed. “We have a small pack. We try to remark parts of it every week, but it’s hard to get it all up-to-date marking wise.” He chuckled seeing her tense in anticipation of an attack, “Hey, hey. Blue, calm down, you’re new here. I’m not that mean that I won’t forgive a mistake.”

Alyssa obviously did not believe him, “My name is Alyssa, not Blue.” She corrected him coldly.

Aaron seemed unfazed, still circling her, “So, Blue.” He mocked, “What bring you to my parts of the woods?”

 Her blue eyes were glued onto him, and he couldn’t help but think about how her new nickname suited her because of their color. Alyssa still refused to break her stare, pivoting her body with him as he began to circle for the second time. “I was just going on a run.” She mumbled.

Aaron’s ears twitched, his eyes glinting mischievously, “Need to keep that body young and tight?” He teased, looking her over.

“Need to stay strong to keep mutts like you in their place.” She snapped, her tail flicking angrily as she took a menacing step towards him.

Aaron froze at her move and he growled lowly, using their mind communication to send her a warning to check herself. “We both know who would win in a fight.” He growled, “Or did that last punch not teach you your lesson?”

Alyssa glared fiercely, but knew the wolf was right. He was twice her size after all. “Well, this chat has been great, but I am going to go home now.” She tried to step backwards, but suddenly Aaron snarled loudly, making her freeze in place.

“No.” He warned, inwardly smirking as she stopped. His voice regained its faux friendliness to it. “We still haven’t discussed how you are going to apologize for trespassing onto my land.”

Alyssa watched him step closer and she took another step back. As the wind blew softly in her direction, she frowned noticing something off about his scent. It was mixed with a type of sour smell, something she recognized but couldn’t quite yet put her finger on. “Back off.” She warned as he kept coming closer.

Aaron’s eyes seemed to grow darker as he stared at her, still walking forward. “You owe me.” He murmured.

“I owe you nothing.”

He laughed loudly in his head. Alyssa now noticed that his thought were a bit jumbled, not so concrete. Something was definitely wrong with him. Aaron licked his nose, still moving closer, “I want a merger between our packs.”

Alyssa scoffed in her head, still backing up, noticing the forests edge only a yard or two behind her. She had to be careful or soon she’d be pinned to a tree. “I will never do that.” She stated bluntly. 

“Then I want something else…” Aarons voice trailed off, and suddenly Alyssa felt a tremor of fear roll down her spine as she realized the other option the man was giving. Suddenly, in a split second decision, she turned around, sprinting into the forest.

She ran with all her might through the strange new woods, not quite sure where she was going. All she knew was that Aaron was almost keeping speed with her, only a few yards behind. Quickly she sent out a mental SOS to her brother, hoping that he was close enough for their pack bond to still be in place.

*        *        *        *        *        *        *

Author's Note:

       Part one of two! Thank you so much for reading this story so far <3 It really means so much to me. What do you guys think about Aaron? Let me know below! 


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