Chapter Twenty-Six: Show and Tell

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Author's Note:

Hi! Merry Christmas! Lol, jk, it's June. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Things are going to be getting VERY fast paced after this so just take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

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Ciao <3

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            "Oh, Jared, I love it."

            Jared grinned wildly as Alexandria threw her arms around his neck, pulling her new boyfriend into a tight hug. "Merry Christmas, Alex." He pulled her closer, loving the feeling of her silky blonde hair against his face. He groaned as she pulled back, not wanting to leave her warm embrace.

            "It's Alexandria." She corrected as she so often did.

            Jared grabbed her face with both hands, making sure his touch was gentle as he pulled her forward and kissed her forehead lovingly.  As he pulled back he kept their faces close, relishing the sparkle in her emerald eyes. "Do you really like it? You can return it if you'd like."

            "Never." Alexandria laughed, looking down at the beautiful charm bracelet he got her. Already there were a couple of charms that he said reminded him of their relationship. There was a coffee cup since they worked at Full Moon café and also a crystal covered microphone since their first date was at the Ed Sheran concert. It was such a wonderful and meaningful gift that the girl would treasure for years.

            Jared grinned, "So, did you have a good Christmas morning with your dad?" He leaned back onto the couch where they had just been opening their presents. Alexandria had gotten him the new iPad.

            "Yeah!" Alexandria smiled excitedly, "He got me this super adorable purse and then we visited my mom. We gave her flowers and some egg nog."

            Jared smiled somberly, taking her hand. He knew she lost her mom to cancer a few years ago, but she and her father seemed to be handling it rather well. Much better then his family when his mother, Natasha, died. "Well, I am happy it was a good morning." He took her hand, kissing it sweetly. "But tonight is going to be even better! You made the reservations with your dad and Ray for 'Le Crème' right?" They had all planned on going to a nice restaurant a few towns over. Originally it was just for Jared and Alexandria, but when they realized that meant that her father would be alone they invited him. Then Ray heard about it and somehow invited himself to it as well.

            Ray had been hanging around the couple a lot lately, not that Jared was complaining. The three young adults were turning into quite good friends. They all really enjoyed each other's company and were slowly becoming inseparable. At first Jared thought Ray was just hovering around because he was a foster kid and really wasn't that close to the elderly couple at his foster home, but now Ray was obviously hanging around because he was becoming such great friends with Jared and Alexandria. Ray even was planning on getting a job at the coffee house.

            Alexandria nodded, "Yeah, I did, but I got a call from Ray earlier saying he wasn't going to make it. Apparently his foster parents want him to be with them today for a big family dinner. "

            Jared wilted; admittedly disappointed Ray wasn't coming to dinner, "Oh." He nodded, his sadness not masked well.

            Alexandra's heart went out to her boyfriend and she kissed his cheek, "At least my dad can still come." As Jared nodded she began to kiss around his face, soon landing on his lips, trying to distract him from the sorrow.

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