Chapter Twenty Nine: Love and Letters

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Authors Note:

It has literally been four months. I am so freaking sorry, loves. My life had gone insane but that is no excuse to leave ya'll hanging like that. I wrote this entire chapter earlier and ended up rewriting it because I didn't think it was well done. I'm gonna be honest, I am still not to happy with the turn out from this chapter, so I may re-write it again. Anyway, we only have two or three chapters left and they are BIG ones.

Thank you all for your wait! I love you guys.

Ciao <3


"This is the Lansdale County Hospital calling. We have some bad news, Jake."

Jake felt as cold as the hospital's tile floor as he sat under the blinding florescent lights of the hospital. Waiting for someone to call his name and lead him back into his own personal hell.

"We have some bad news, Jake."

If there had ever been more of an understatement Jake didn't know how he would react. The "bad news" they told him had been so life changing-ly detrimental he wasn't sure if he was going to recover.

More importantly, he didn't know if she would recover.

Jake groaned, leaning forward as nausea and agony swept over him and her put his head in his hands, trying to regain some composure before resuming his long wait. After a few deep breaths he calmed down, biting down the ball of lead sitting in his stomach.

What the hell happened to her? What if he never got to see her again?

Questions sped through Jakes crowded head, filling him with mixed emotions of regret, sadness, and anger. Mostly though, he felt fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what the end result of her actions would now be. Fear of losing her. The fear he felt was so crippling he didn't know how much more of it he could take.

Damn it! Why weren't they letting him go back and see her? Didn't they know that she needed him? Didn't they know that he needed her to see at least one last time? Didn't-

"Jake Approx." The voice filled every square inch of the eerie silence of the waiting room. Jake jumped up lightening quick, but immediately regretted it. He froze up, realizing that this anonymous voice calling him could easily be bringing him the most earth-shattering news of his life. Was he ready to hear that? Wouldn't it be better to walk away, pretending to of not heard the faceless-voice, and instead leave, enjoying his last few minutes of piece before the crushing agony?

"Jake Approx?" He gulped, turning as the old nurse walked towards him, a frown on her face. She was probably confused as to why he stood up but did not immediately respond.

"Yes?" Jake choked out, dread sitting in his throat like a frog. He knew there was no turning back now.

The nurse's eye crinkled with kind sadness. She was a veteran here, well aware of the angst the poor souls trapped in the waiting room had. Nervousness radiated off of Jake so much even a total stranger could see it. "Would you like to see her?" The grey-haired woman asked, her voice gentle.

Relief flooded over Jakes face like a tsunami. He felt tears of joy prick his eyes. She was alive. He would see her again. He had a chance to fix this. "Yes." He choked out, now his neck contracting in joy instead of the fear he had to bite down earlier.

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