Moving Up in the World

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Two Years Later

Gilbert watched fondly as Joyce ran around the parlour of Green Gables on Christmas Eve, finally allowed to relieve some energy after having to sit still for a whole dinner. Anne was settled against his side while Marilla lit the candles on the Christmas tree, making sure Joyce didn't get near.

"I remember the first Christmas we all spent together," Anne commented wistfully. "You gave me the dictionary that year."

"It was our first Christmas with Bash, too," Gilbert replied, the thought weighing down his heart.

"Oh, Gilbert," Marilla scolded. "Quit your sulking. We heard from Sebastian just yesterday. He, Muriel, the kids, and Haze are having a fine Christmas over in Trinidad."

"I know," he sighed, leaning into Anne's hand as she rested it on his cheek. "I just wish they could be with us. Joyce needs kids like Delly and Matthew to play with."

Joyce ran over as she heard her name. "Dada," she babbled, giggling as she rested her chin on her father's knee.

"Hello, Joy-Joy," he greeted, immediately brightening up as he lifted his daughter onto his lap. He ran his hand over her bright red curls. She shifted her attention to Anne.

"Mama," she called happily, laying down so she was laying on Anne's lap with her legs on Gilbert's.

"That's my name," Anne confirmed playfully, a bright smile on her face. "Mama."

As the family of three cuddled, Gilbert smiled as he remembered his exciting news.

"I was meaning to tell you guys," he began. "You know how I am working as Dr. Ward's assistant right now?"

"Of course," Marilla confirmed, sitting in the chair across from them. Anne brought Joyce onto her lap as the toddler fell asleep on her mother's chest.

"Well," he continued. "Dr. Ward told me today that he wanted to extend his practice to Avonlea; he wants me to be his representation in the extension."

Anne gasped. "Honey, that's wonderful. You'll finally have your own practice in a sense!"

"Congratulations, Gilbert," Marilla voiced in her practical yet genuine way. "Where will you be setting up?"

"That's the one concern," he responded, his heart swelling as Joyce, in her sleeping state, wrapped her little hand around his finger like she used to as a baby. "It is up to me to find a place. I was thinking of using Muriel's old house, but it would take weeks for the letters to send and this is already going to be a long process."

Marilla was silent for a moment before suggesting, "How about you set up practice here?"

Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows. "At Green Gables?" Anne seemed surprised, as well.

His mother-in-law nodded. "I am leaving the property to the two of you in my will regardless and it will make a great first use for you."

"What about you and Jerry?" he asked. "I would never want to disrupt your lives."

"Do not worry yourselves about us. Jerry is outside for most of the time and as long as your office remains downstairs, I will adjust my life just fine. Using the stairs has become quite difficult for me as of late, anyways."

"Marilla-" Anne began, sounding concerned.

"I'll not hear a word," Marilla cut off, holding up her hand. "Gilbert, Green Gables will be a wonderful place to set up shop. We can move the table into the kitchen so the dining room can be your waiting room, and the parlour can be your examination room. That's all Dr. Ward's office is, correct?"

"Correct," Gilbert confirmed softly. "Thank you kindly, Marilla. This will be a great place."

Marilla smiled before turning to Anne. "So Anne, how is teaching going?"

"Not nearly as momentous, I'm afraid," Anne laughed. "But I am watching my students develop a love for learning, and that is what truly matters to me."

The three talked for a little longer before wishing each other a Merry Christmas and departing.

Anne held Joyce as Gilbert drove the carriage home.

"I have a really wonderful present for you tomorrow," Anne casually mentioned to her husband.

Gilbert smiled. "Oh, do you now?"

She nodded cheekily.

His smile grew. "I can't wait," he said before pressing his lips against hers.


Christmas morning, Gilbert and Anne watched as Joyce enthusiastically tore into her presents. There weren't a surplus due to the Blythes' limited funds, but their sweet little girl didn't notice. She would squeal and show her parents what she got every time before digging into the next one.

All the while, Anne and Gilbert sat on the couch, cuddling and showing excitement in their daughter's gifts along with her. Neither could keep a huge smile off their face the entire time.

"She really is a miracle, isn't she?" Anne whispered to her husband.

Gilbert kissed her forehead. "You both are."

Once Joyce was done opening presents, she busied herself with her new wooden train while Gilbert led Anne to the kitchen doorway.

"What are you doing?" she laughed. Gilbert glanced up and Anne, following his gaze, realized the mistletoe hanging down.

She giggled. "Are you flirting with me, Mr. Blythe?"

He smirked. "Absolutely, Mrs. Blythe."

The two shared a loving kiss before Anne pulled away. She handed him a small, rectangular wrapped box. "Merry Christmas."

He smiled and unwrapped it, feeling the anticipation. Opening up the box, his heart stopped.

It was a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.

Suddenly short of breath, he looked back up at Anne, his eyes wide.

Anne had the biggest smile on her face. "It looks like Joyce is going to be a big sister."

"Anne!" Gilbert cried, excitement crashing over him like a tidal wave. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet, making her squeal.

Noticing her parents having fun, Joyce ran over and jumped up and down happily. Anne and Gilbert laughed, knowing she had no idea what was going on.

They picked her up and hugged her tightly, knowing they were no longer a family of three.

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