Summerside Sacrifice

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Three and a half weeks into Gilbert's internship, and he was in love. He missed his family in Avonlea, of course, but he loved Summerside so much.

The local hospital he was interning at had become almost his safe place. He didn't enjoy being in his apartment since, due to Anne's absence, it seemed like a lonely dark void. Her letters were the only way he didn't run back to her immediately.

Gilbert enjoyed everything about his work at the hospital. He enjoyed working with the patients, learning from his mentors, and even sitting in on procedures. He could not wait until he could call himself a licensed doctor.

On the last day of his internship, Gilbert's primary advisor Dr. Bledsoe approached him as he disinfected his hands after a surgery.

"How are you feeling about your last day?" he asked him.

Gilbert gave him a sheepish smile. "Like I don't want it to be my last."

Dr. Bledsoe waited a moment before asking, "What if it wasn't?"

Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows. "Sir?"

The two men walked over and sat on a bench in the hallway.

"I would like to offer you a job here," Dr. Bledsoe informed. "I think you would make a valuable addition to our team."

Gilbert's heart flooded with excitement. "Really?"

Dr. Bledsoe smiled and nodded. "Really. Just say yes and you've got the job."

Gilbert immediately wanted to shout yes at the the top of his lungs, but he sighed as he remembered.

"My family's in Avonlea," he recalled in disappointment. "My wife."

Dr. Bledsoe shrugged. "I'm sure you're family would be happy for you. Do you and your wife have kids?"

Gilbert's heart sank a little. "No. No, we don't have kids."

"What is your wife working to be?"

"A teacher. She's currently filling in for our former teacher while she's on maternity leave."

"There are so many opportunities for teachers here," Dr. Bledsoe said excitedly. "You and your wife could have a wonderful life here."

Gilbert allowed a little hope. "Would it be alright if I talked to her about it when I get home and let you know?"

He nodded. "That will be fine."


Gilbert returned to his apartment to find a letter from Anne waiting. He smiled and opened it.

Dear Gil,
        I am so excited for you to come home! I miss you so very much. I hope you had a wonderful experience with your internship! Summerside sounds beautiful. I'm looking forward to finally being able to hold you again.
        I also have some very exciting news to share with you when you get back!

Gilbert smiled as he reached the end of the letter, leaning back in his seat.

So do I, Anne, he thought almost giddily. So do I.

AN: hey y'all! sorry this chapter took so long and it's kinda short. i was considering combining next chapter with this one but it's almost midnight and i need to sleep lol

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