One Joy(ce) for Another

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Gilbert and Anne watched as Dr. Ward checked Joyce over, checking her vitals and testing her cranial nerves. Anne was leaning against Gilbert as he rubbed her back and stroked her hair. Dr. Ward's first order of business when he arrived was to get Anne stitched up so she could begin to heal and she was utterly exhausted.

Finally, Dr. Ward handed Joyce over to Anne, a smile on his face.

"I am pleased to inform you that she is looking very healthy," he reported. "Her heart sounds very strong, her pulse is steady and normal, and her cranial nerves are in perfect working order. How is she doing at breastfeeding?"

Anne smiled, holding her daughter close. "She's still struggling a little, but she's learning. Hopefully she takes to a bottle since Gilbert will have to feed her while I'm at the school board protest later."

Dr. Ward furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Mrs. Blythe, you're not actually planning on leaving the house just hours after you've had a baby, are you?"

"Yeah," she answered, not understanding why he seemed so jostled. "We've been planning this for months. I must be there."

He slowly sat down on the foot of the bed. "Mrs. Blythe, I am not sure you quite understand how traumatized your body is right now. It can't deal with walking a half a mile, let alone engaging in a protest."

Her heart rate rising, she turned to look at Gilbert. Her husband sighed ruefully.

"He makes a good point," he agreed. "And you had a harder labor than most. Your body won't be able to remain upright for that long."

"Then I'll go in a wheelchair!" she argued, beginning to panic. "I need to be there! I can't abandon-"

"Hey, hey, hey," he soothed, bringing his hands to her face and wiping away a stray tear. "How about I go for you. I will let the AWA know of the situation and I will fight just as fervently as you would. You can trust me, I promise."

Anne hesitantly shifted her gaze from her husband to her newborn daughter, her head hurting.

"I don't like this," she worried. "What if something happens with me or Joyce and I don't know what to do."

"I'll stay here," Dr. Ward offered, standing up. "I'll look after you."

Anne closed her eyes and took a deep breath before returning her eyes to Gilbert.

"Alright," she whispered. "I'll stay."

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry about a thing. We'll win."


Hours had passed and Anne had heard nothing. She hadn't moved since Gilbert left and her eyes had only alternated between the clock and Joyce.

It would have at least been a little better if she could talk to Dr. Ward, but he had fallen asleep in the living room an hour prior.

"I wonder how you're dad's doing," she whispered to her sleeping daughter.

She took a deep breath as her eyes gravitated
towards her cracked slate resting on the dresser. When she looked back at Joyce, she was slowly waking up, giving her mother a look that seemed like she was thinking the same thing.

Anne smiled proudly. "You really are my daughter."

With that, she got out of bed.

AN: hey loves! sorry this chap took a while, college is already kicking my butt lmao

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