A Friend in Need

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After Rollings picked up Cole, Jerry, Bash, Muriel, and the kids at the Charlottetown train station, Gilbert headed to the Bog to find Hazel and Elijah. They had lived with Bash for about a year after Gilbert had left for Toronto, but Hazel soon wanted her own home and Elijah offered to move back to the Bog and help her buy land.

Bash had tried hard to get Gilbert to allow him to come along, but Gilbert had rejected the idea. The sun was on its way up and no one had any idea when Harmon would be going to the authorities. Even though it would have been nice to have someone with him, he knew Bash would be the safest under the protection of Josephine.

Yet, as he crossed into the territory of the Bog that was still relatively unfamiliar to him, he really wished he had the companionship of his brother. Not only because he still had limited knowledge of where to go, but also because of the looks that everyone gave him. Gilbert was not used to standing out in a community of people, especially not due to the colour of his skin. However, he reminded himself that the situation was far bigger than him and pushed on.

As he made his way to his destination, he saw multiple couples walking with their kids. A stabbing pain entered his heart as he thought about his own wife and daughter back in Avonlea. He loathed parting with them, especially due to Joyce's tender age and Anne's tendency to worry. He despised not allowing Anne to accompany him, but he knew that deep down she understood that it was not safe for Joyce. They were parents now. They would have to change their priorities accordingly.

As he reached the laundry, he stared up at the sign. The last time he had been here was around six years prior when he and Mary had come searching for Bash. He took a deep breath, knowing the news of Bash remarrying would not be taken kindly by anyone in the Bog, and stepped into the steamy room.

He was immediately confronted by a woman he had never recognized. She placed her hands on her hips and gave him a once over.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice taking a cold tone.

Gilbert removed his cap, immediately nervous. "Yes, ma'am. I was wondering if Constance and Jocelyn were working today."

"Did someone say our names?" came a voice from the back. Gilbert looked over the woman's shoulder to see his old friends coming towards the front.

They gasped when they recognized him.

"Why, that's Gilbert Blythe!" Constance called in excitement. "Ronda, stop sizing that poor boy up and let him in!"

Ronda returned her gaze back to him for a moment before begrudgingly stepping aside.

As soon as Constance and Jocelyn reached Gilbert, they pulled him into a big group hug.

"Gilbert, we haven't seen you since your and Anne's wedding!" Jocelyn commented, seeming very happy to see him. "How is Anne? How about Bash and Delly?"

"Anne's doing fine," Gilbert responded, feeling slightly rushed. "But Bash and Delly are in quite an unfavorable situation. I'll explain everything once we don't have so many eavesdropping ears around us, but right now, I need to find Elijah and Mrs. Lacroix. Do you know where they are living?"

Though they both seemed concerned by Gilbert's words, they nodded, announced that they were taking off until further notice, and headed out with Gilbert in tow.

"I just have to know," Jocelyn said to Gilbert as they walked across town. "Are Bash and Delly hurt?"

"No," he quickly assured. "They are both fine. They're just in some serious trouble and it's quite a long story. I will fill you in on the carriage ride to Josephine Barry's. Her butler will be by to pick us up shortly."

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