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Anne and Gilbert walked hand in hand towards Green Gables. The girls had decided to take carriages to their destinations, but the couple was comfortable walking.

Gilbert took relatively deep breaths, trying to settle his palpitating heart.

"So, you're still enjoying Toronto?" Anne asked softly. Gilbert knew that she could tell something was wrong and he hated it.

"I am," he replied, tracing circles on the back of her hand, completely distracted. "How are things going at Queens?"

"Quite well," she answered. He watched as the breeze blew her hair softly and his heart filled with love. "It is a little boring having no competition, though."

Gilbert chuckled, acknowledging her joke. "You can still challenge me to a spelling duel anytime you want."

That elicited a laugh from her, something he was immensely grateful for.

The weight of what had happened still weighed heavily on his heart.


"Blythe?" came the sound of a faraway, fuzzy voice. "Blythe? BLYTHE!"

Gilbert finally snapped out of his deep thoughts.

Bash was staring at him from across the dinner table, holding a confused Delphine in his arms.

"Sorry," Gilbert mumbled, getting a forkful of mashed potatoes. "I was just thinking."

Bash gave him a skeptical look. "What happened?"

Gilbert had the urge to wave it off and say he was fine, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

He gave in and told Bash everything, feeling his guilt and shame resurfacing with every word.

Once he was done, Bash sat silent for an eternal moment with a pensive look on his face. Gilbert stared at his plate, his heart palpitating.

Finally, Bash sighed. "Two things," he said softly. "Number one: this is not your fault. She kissed you and you immediately pushed her away. You are not to be blamed for her actions."

Gilbert stared at him, a little weight falling off his chest.

"Number two: you need to tell Anne."

He took a deep breath, not surprised. "I know," he muttered. "I just can't bear the thought of hurting her."

"Of course you can't," Bash replied understandingly. "But if you don't tell her and she still finds out, which you know she will, she will be hurt even worse."

Gilbert sighed and dropped his head into his hands, hating what he knew he had to do.

He had to break the heart of the love of his life and hope she could forgive him.

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