The Stars Will Protect You

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After helping Anne into bed and making sure she was as comfortable as possible, Gilbert summoned Marilla and Jerry, whom he sent to fetch Dr. Ward. Marilla sat with Anne as she experienced the ever increasing contractions as Gilbert gathered the necessary supplies.

As he stood in at their pantry, he took a short moment to absorb that all of this was happening. Gilbert was not supposed to deliver the baby. Anne had wanted him to for a while, but he knew that being a husband would be more necessary in that moment than a doctor. Now, he may have to be both.

Baby Blythe, he thought. Your timing sure is impeccable.

Then, as quickly as it had started, his moment ended and he swiftly reentered the bedroom as he heard Anne begin another contraction. He kneeled by the bed and took Anne's hand as her worried eyes met his.

"Hey," he breathed, giving her a smile. "You're doing so well."

She took a few shaky breaths. "This baby's coming tonight."

He nodded. "Yes. Tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Do you think Dr. Ward will be here in time?"

He exhaled. "You're only three centimeters right now so we have some time, but it all depends on how fast you dilate."

This caused her breath to quicken almost imperceptibly, yet he could tell how fearful she was. He smoothed her hair back from her forehead, which was already beginning to accumulate sweat from her efforts.

"Don't fret, Anne-girl," he soothed. "No matter what, I will not let anything happen to you."

Anne took a deep breath and he moved to clasp her hand.

"I can do this," she whispered, almost to herself.

He smiled. "Of course you can. You're Anne Shirley Cuthbert Blythe."

As Anne stared at him, she managed a shaky smile before her face twisted in pain as another contraction rolled in.


Four hours of little progress passed, but to Gilbert, it seemed like a lifetime. Seeing his wife in so much pain and being able to do little to nothing to help her was utter torture. He would take every ounce of her pain away and carry it himself if he could.

Contractions came like a nonstop wave for Anne and when she wasn't loudly morning from the pains, she was quietly whimpering as she tried to get some rest.

It was around two in the morning when Gilbert was finally able to watch Anne sleep, though he knew it would be short lived.

Growing restless and agitated, he shot up from his chair next to the bed and went into the kitchen, leaning his forearms on the counter.

Marilla followed him out, a cautious air about her. She looked about as exhausted as he did.

"What on God's green earth is taking Jerry and Dr. Ward so long?" he exclaimed quietly.

Marilla shrugged. "I am certain Jerry is going as quickly as he can. Who knows what Dr. Ward is doing right now."

Gilbert sighed. "Anne's not dilating quick enough. I'm going to have to use some methods to try and speed things up, but I was hoping that Dr. Ward would be here to oversee everything."

"You delivered Bash and Muriel's baby on your own," Marilla reminded. "As well as that lady's in Trinidad."

"Ruth and Muriel were already fully dilated when I intervened. And neither of them are my wife."

A moment of silence passed before Gilbert suddenly felt the gentle touch of Marilla's hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at his mother-in-law.

"Anne has faith in you," she stated. "You are fully capable of this."

Gilbert didn't get a chance to respond before they heard the sound of Anne entering another contraction.

With a determined breath, he walked back in to comfort his wife.


Two hours passed, and Anne and Gilbert has tried every method the new doctor knew about, including tons of moving around, which Anne was not fond of. While it did work, helping her up to six centimeters, they hadn't reached Gilbert's goal of at least eight. He could tell that  they were both on their last leg physically and emotionally. He held her hand as she screamed  through yet another contraction.

With tears in her eyes, she looked over at him.

"Gil," she said weakly, her voice filled to the brim with fear. "I don't think I can do this. I really don't. I'm so scared."

He smoothed her hair as he searched for what to say. Finally, he motioned to the window in front of their bed.

"Look out the window," he told her. When she obliged, he continued. "The stars are out in numbers tonight. And I know they're here for you. They're here to protect you and the baby. And so am I."

She stared at him, taking shaky breaths. After a moment, she pushed herself up.

"Let's try walking again," she relented.

Gilbert smiled. "That's what I like to hear."

He could see Marilla sharing his joy.


This was it. She was ten centimeters. She was finally ten centimeters. Gilbert had stood there in awe as Anne pushed through and was able to make five laps around the house, helping her body get through the final stretch.

And now they were here. He was quite nervous to have to do this without Dr. Ward, but he was going to do it anyway for his incredible wife.

He sat next to Anne, their foreheads pressed together as he whispered some last minute comforting words to her.

"I'm so proud of you," he murmured. "You are the strongest person I've ever known. I love you so much."

"I love you," she whispered shakily.

He pulled back a little to look at her. "You ready?"

She braced herself before nodding. "Let's do this."

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