The Merging of Two Souls

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Gilbert stood at the front of the church before the moderately-sized company of his and Anne's family and friends with his groomsmen to his left.

He couldn't believe the moment was finally here. He was about to get married. It was finally happening. He clasped his shaking hands together in front of them.

The sun shone brightly through the stained- glass windows, giving the church a heavenly aura.

The entire audience turned as Jane, the first bridesmaid, came through the doors and started walking down the aisle. He smiled at each of the girls as they walked down, sharing a special moment with Diana.

He then watched Minnie Mae walk down the aisle as the flower girl and his heart began beating harder with every step she took.

He was about to see Anne. He was about to marry her.

Almost before he was ready, the music changed and everyone stood up and faced the doors. Gilbert waited with baited breath.

Finally, the doors opened and the vision of Anne crashed over Gilbert like a tidal wave.

She truly was the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Her dress was stunning. She was perfect.

As she walked down the aisle with one hand clasping Matthew's and the other holding flowers, Gilbert felt his eyes fill with tears as their gazes met. He felt as if he were in a dream.

As she came closer, he realized that Anne was crying, too. They reached the end of the aisle and Gilbert went down to meet them, feeling like there was no one else in the world.

He and Anne exchanged a loving smile before she turned to Matthew. Gilbert watched as she lifted the veil away from her face and let it fall behind her head. The two hugged and he kissed her temple before turning to him.

"Love her with all that you are," he told him.

Gilbert nodded, composing himself. "Of course. Every day."

He smiled and nodded to Anne. Gilbert offered her his hand and she took it with a smile.

"Hi," he whispered.

She giggled softly. "Hi."

She handed her bouquet to Diana and the two walked to their place before the minister, squeezing each other's hands.

Everyone sat down and the minister waited for silence before beginning to speak, Gilbert and Anne listening intently.

"Dearly beloved, we thank you for coming here on this glorious afternoon to witness the joining of Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley-Cuthbert in holy matrimony. Marriage is not simply a state of being, it is a daily commitment to each other and to yourselves. Marriage is not simply like riding on a cloud towards a blissful forever. There is a constant need for improvement and strong work ethic. However, when two individuals exemplify this work ethic, as I believe the two of you do, marriage can be as beautiful as a dove flitting through the clouds I just mentioned. I hope the two of you experience such beauty."

The minister spoke for a little while longer and before Gilbert knew it, it was time for vows.

"Gilbert," he said. "You may begin."

Gilbert took a deep breath and squeezed Anne's hands, looking at her, drinking her in.

Finally, he began.

"At first, I had trouble with figuring out what I was going to say to you. I had trouble because I thought that I've already said everything. Whether it be through our letters or our intimate conversations, I thought that I had said everything that one could possibly say to someone they loved. It only took a moment for me to realize what a fool I was for thinking that. I have known you for almost five years, and I still have not found a way to put into words how much I love you, how much I've loved you since the day I met you when you smashed your slate over my head."

Anne let out a teary laugh as he continued.

"I fell in love with you the day I met you, and I fell deeper in love with you every day after that. I cannot wait to keep falling in love with you more every day. So, my dearest Anne, I promise to stand by your side as your faithful husband every day for the rest of our lives. I promise to encourage you to chase your dreams, celebrate you when you succeed, and to comfort you when you fail. And finally, I promise to continue trying to put my love for you into words every single day, starting today. I love you more than you will ever know, Carrots."

He finished and Anne stared at the floor for a moment, taking shaky breaths. When she looked back up, there were tears rolling down her cheeks, yet a loving smile graced her expression.

"When I arrived in Avonlea," she started, her voice choked up. "I told my dad that no one would ever want to marry me. I always thought that I was too homely and awkward and talkative. I was so certain. I think that's why I pushed you away for so long. You were always so good and kind to me and I was convinced you were trying to humiliate me. But you weren't. I have since come to my senses."

Gilbert laughed.

"It took me so long to accept the possibility that you could actually love me. Now it feels as if I'm drowning in your love. That would have scared me if I was still that young girl, but now, I never want it to stop. Almost against my will, I fell in love with everything about you. I fell in love with your smile, your intelligence, but most importantly, your heart. Gilbert, you are kind, and loving, and passionate. You care so deeply. And somehow, you decided to focus some of your love on me. I'm so lucky. So, Gilbert, I promise to make sure you never lose your passion for life. I promise to support you in your every endeavor, medical and other, and I promise to be your faithful wife and teammate for always. I love you so much."

The two simply gazed at each other for a moment before the minister spoke again.

"May I have the rings?"

Bash brought the rings and the minister handed Gilbert Anne's ring and Anne Gilbert's ring.

"Gilbert, please hold the ring over Anne's finger."

Gilbert did as he was told, gazing at Anne.

"Do you, Gilbert Blythe, take Anne Shirley-Cuthbert to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death you do part?"

Gilbert smiled at Anne, never feeling more confident.

"I do," he answered, sliding the ring on her finger. "With this ring, I thee wed." Anne smiled brightly.

Once Anne was holding Gilbert's ring over his finger, the minister repeated.

"And do you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, take Gilbert Blythe to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death you do part?"

A tear glistening in her eye, she nodded. "I do."
She slid the ring on Gilbert's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

The two joined hands again and looked at the minister, who smiled.

"You both have made the commitment," he stated. "You have pledged yourselves to each other. What God has joined together, let no man separate. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Applause erupted around them and happiness surged through Gilbert as he pulled Anne into a passionate kiss. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that his head couldn't produce a single clear thought.

They finally pulled away and turned to the audience, holding each other close. It was strange to acknowledge the fact that other human beings existed.

Over the noise, the minister shouted, "It is my absolute pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time: Mr. and Mrs. Blythe!"

The applause increased in enthusiasm as Gilbert and Anne ran down the aisle together.

Finally, one clear thought appeared in his mind.

Mrs. Blythe. Anne was now his wife.

He was married.

AN: decided to give y'all a long chapter 😉

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