Saying Goodbye

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Funerals, Anne decided, were the darkest, dreariest events to ever exist. Especially considering her heart was in the very depths of despair, she had to force herself to get out of bed this morning.

She stared at the casket that held her father, listening as the pastor droned on and on from seemingly underwater. Not even the presence of her husband and mother on either side of her could comfort her.

Her last nights with Matthew reminded her how fleeting life could be. She already missed him so much. Just the thought of him never being able to meet his future grandchildren brought tears to her eyes and pierced her heart.

She felt like she couldn't do this without him.

"And now," the pastor said, bringing back Anne's attention. "A few words will be spoken by Matthew's daughter Anne Shirley-Cuthbert Blythe."

He gestured to her and Anne took a deep breath, softly removing her hand from the grip of Gilbert's and offering Marilla a forced smile before walking over to the podium.

She looked around at the people who had come. It wasn't a large crowd, for Matthew tended not to be a people person, but the small group of faces were people that the Cuthberts loved dearly.

Her breath quickened as she felt herself begin to slip, tears filling her eyes. Instinctively, she made eye contact with Gilbert. Immediately knowing what was happening, he nodded and held her gaze, securing and stabilizing her.

Finally, she took a deep breath and began.

"First and foremost, I wanted to thank you all for coming today. Matthew cared about each of you and I means the word to him." Another deep breath. "Matthew was my first friend on the island. I remember seeing his face at the train station, albeit confused, and just feeling a wave of comfort. He didn't need to say a word. That's who he was." Another glance at Gilbert. "His presence alone could make you feel like everything was going to be okay."

She paused as a few people, including Marilla and Diana, took out handkerchiefs. Anne took her own and dabbed her eyes.

"Matthew was one of the greatest people I've ever known, and if he taught me anything, it's how to love the people you have while you have them. Because of this, I know what I'll be doing every day for the rest of my life, and that is hugging my family all the tighter. And I will never forget my beloved Matthew. Thank you again for coming.

Marilla and a few others spoke and suddenly, the funeral was over.

During Matthew's entire burial, Gilbert's hand arm was her only anchor as it remained wrapped around her shoulder. To avoid seeing the casket be lowered into the earth, Anne gently hid her face in Gilbert's chest.

She couldn't believe she was never going to see Matthew again.


Anne watched as people milled about Green Gables. Since funeral receptions were typically held at the family's home, Gilbert had spent the entirety of the previous day meticulously cleaning the house while Anne and Marilla stared at the wall.

As soon as the reception has started, Diana had come over and gave Anne an enormous hug as they cried together. Diana had loved Matthew like a second father and she was also taking his passing very hard. It felt nice to have her support.

As her bosom friend walked away, Anne watched her cautiously engage in a conversation with Jerry, who was dressed very nicely in a suit that Gilbert had let him borrow.

"I wonder if they will be able to reconcile," Gilbert wondered from next to her.

"I hope so," Anne replied softly. "Jerry loves her so." Gilbert leaned over and kissed her temple.

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