I Will See You Again

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That night, Anne and Gilbert sat in the fire lit living room, enjoying some precious time on their own while Joyce took a short nap before her next feeding.

The two had had a good laugh when they had gotten home to find a very bewildered and angry Dr. Ward, who had been unaware that Anne had left. He was offended at first by their facetious reaction before slowly beginning to laugh as well.

Anne was cuddled into Gilbert's side as he traced circles on her arm, occasionally kissing her forehead.

"I am so proud of you," the brunette whispered to his beloved redhead.

She gave a melancholy smile, looking towards their bedroom door behind which Joyce was napping.

"We'll have to fight for her rights forever," she whispered.

Before Gilbert could respond, there was an abrupt and urgent knock on the door. Anne and Gilbert exchanged a bewildered look before getting up and answering it.

The door opened to reveal the disheveled Lacroix family. Muriel was holding Matthew and Bash held a sleepy Delphine by the hand.

"Bash, Muriel, what is it?" Gilbert asked. "What brings you here so late?"

They let the family inside. Bash and Muriel exchanged a fearful glance, neither of them speaking.

"Uh, Delly," Anne spoke up, clearly aware that something was wrong. "How about you bring Matthew and both of you can meet your cousin?"

Though she seemed inches away from sleep, Delphine smiled and nodded. Muriel put Matthew down and the two children waddled after Anne to the bedroom. She shot Gilbert a look over her shoulder that read "I want to know everything."

Gilbert brought the couple to the couch. "Okay, what's wrong? You both look like you've seen a ghost."

Bash and Muriel sat in silence for a moment, their hands locked together, before the former spoke.

"Mrs. Lynde just paid us a visit," Bash spoke somberly. "Harmon Andrews saw us exchange a kiss at the protest today."

Muriel just about screamed in frustration. "And to think we get caught the one time we slip up after months of being unbelievably careful!"

Gilbert tried to control his pounding heart. "Did Mrs. Lynde say what Harmon was planning to do?"

"He plans to go to the authorities in the morning considering they were training today." Muriel had tears in her voice.

There was a heavy moment of silence before Gilbert said solemnly to Bash, "They'll kill you. Who knows what they'll do to Matthew."

Bash nodded, his face hard as a stone. "We can't stay here, Blythe."

Gilbert shook his head. "No, you can't." He rubbed his forehead, trying to figure out a plan. Finally, he stood up. "We'll ride to Green Gables tonight. Cole is staying the night with Marilla before heading back to Charlottetown. I am sure that if we explain our plight, he'd be more than happy to head back tonight. He'd be able to get a last minute ticket and they respect him there. He'll be able to get all of us on. I'll pay for our tickets myself. Hazel and Elijah are staying with Constance and Jocelyn in the Bog. Maybe we can make arrangements with them."

Bash stood up. "Arrangements for what?"

Gilbert looked at him uncertainly. "For travels to Trinidad."

"Trinidad?!" Muriel cried, standing as well.

"It's the only place where you'll be safe that Bash is familiar with. I don't like the idea either and Anne surely won't, but it is the safest plan. You won't be able to live in the Bog. It'll be too obvious, they'll find you."

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