Author's Note

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hello my amazing, beautiful gods/goddesses/heavenly beings! i just wanted to hop on here and talk to you guys about two important things.

1. i can't even express how much i adore all of you. i started this story thinking not many people would read it. maybe a few people from my insta and that was it. but seeing how you all have joined me on this ride and shown me endless support that i don't deserve means more than you will ever know. i literally want to hug every single one of you so tightly. seriously, i love you guys.

2. if you could pick a song that really represents anne and gilbert's relationship, what song do you think it would be? it's important for the next chapter and i really want you all to have a hand in it. please let me know bc i have an idea, but i want to hear your ideas as well!

anyways, i love you guys so much. please go drink some water and eat something if you haven't already. kisses, kisses, kisses


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