Apart No Longer

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At this very moment, leaning out the window of her dorm room and feeling the warm summer breeze graze her face, Anne felt a bittersweet feeling in her heart.

"You were the stuff of fairytales, dear Queens," she said softly. "I will miss you."

She sighed and sat on her bed, looking around her room. She was heading home for summer later today, never to return to Queens. Technically, however, she would be returning to Charlottetown to reunite with Gilbert in a week.

Though she was quite excited to begin attending the University of Toronto, she would greatly miss this quaint little heaven. She would miss Charlottetown and most of all, her dear Diana. She wasn't worried; she knew that she would still see her all of the time, but she would miss her all the same.

As if on cue, Diana herself came casually strolling through the door, a big smile on her face, a cheery smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, bride-to-be," she giggled.

Anne chuckled, confused by her much chippier than usual attitude.

"Good afternoon?" she replied.

Diana pulled Anne to her feet. "What do you say we go for one last walk through the garden before we leave?"

Though Anne was still confused, she couldn't deny that a walk sounded wonderful on such a nice day. The two girls headed out.

As they emerged into the garden, Diana facepalmed. "I forgot my parasol inside," she said in exasperation. Wait here, I'll be right back."

Before Anne could say anything, Diana dashed away. She sighed and crossed her arms, tapping her foot.

A few moments passed before a familiar voice reached her ears.

"Pardon my effrontery, miss, but you are one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen."

Anne's heart stopped. She turned to see Gilbert Blythe standing before her with a joyful yet slightly nervous smile on his face.

Her eyes widened. "Gilbert," she whispered, in a state of shock. "I thought you weren't coming back for a week."

He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, staring at her with overflowing love. "I wanted to surprise you," he blushed.

As she finally registered the man standing before her, her heart began palpitating. She let out a joyful laugh and flung herself into his arms, gluing herself to him.

He held her tightly, lifting her off the ground slightly, a laugh of his own resonating in his chest.

Finally, Anne quickly pulled back and crashed her lips against his, kissing him passionately after six months of being deprived of him.

They finally came up for air and simply gazed at each other.

"I missed you so much," she whispered, still out of breath.

He smiled lovingly. He held her chin and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I missed you, too, my love."

He rested her forehead against hers. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Diana watching them with a big smile on her face.

She smiled and turned to her, keeping her arms around Gilbert. "Diana, did you plan this?"

Diana's smile grew and she shrugged. "What can I say?" she giggled.

Anne laughed and turned her gaze back to her fiancé.

"No more goodbyes," she whispered gleefully.

He smiled fondly. "No more goodbyes."

And with that, he pulled her back in for another kiss.

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