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Gilbert's carriage pulled up to his home, illuminated golden in the setting sun. He smiled, the sight sending a wave of relief over him after his month of loneliness.

Anne came running out as he stepped down from the carriage.

"Gil!" she shrieked happily.

She jumped into his arms and he laughed holding her tightly to him.

"I missed you so much," she mumbled into his shoulder.

"I missed you, too," he whispered.

She pulled away. "Okay, come on, I'll help you with your bags."

Bags in hand, the two walked inside. Gilbert was astonished to see his favorite dinner sitting  on the table. He looked over at Anne with wide eyes.

She smiled. "Surprise!"

Slowly, he smiled back. "I love you so much."

She chuckled and kissed his cheek. They set the bags down and sat down at the table.

As they ate dinner, Gilbert told Anne all about Summerside, excited at how fascinated she seemed to be by it. He pictured the two of them living there and it filled his heart with glee.

As they reached the end of their discussion about Summerside, Anne grabbed his hand.

"Okay, I have really great news," she said giddily.

He smiled. "I do, too. You go first, though."

She smiled and leaned in. "Muriel offered me a full-time job at Avonlea School!"

Gilbert's mind stopped in its tracks as he took in what she said.

"Wow," he forced out. "That's...that's great! I'm proud of you. What...did you say?"

"Yes, obviously," she laughed.

"Without talking to me first?" he asked, slightly betrayed.

Her expression became confused. "Why would I need to. It's not like we were planning on moving or anything."

He forced a smile as his heart sank. "Right."

"Okay, your turn. What's your good news?"

"Oh, um," he stumbled, trying to think of something. He reached into his bag. "I brought you something from Summerside."

He gave her a small box and she opened it to reveal a necklace with a sun pendant.

She smiled gratefully. "It's so beautiful. Thank you." He helped her put it on.

He was lost in thought for the rest of dinner.


Later that night, he sat by the fire in the living room, hoping to find answers in the flames. An untouched cup of tea sat on the small table next to him.

Anne took a job without even bothering to ask or even tell him about it. She couldn't have known that he was going to be offered a job, but the thought still left him unsettled. Sure, she shouldn't need to run every decision she makes by her husband, but he was important enough to her to at least mention it.

Wasn't he?

He was pulled out of his thoughts as Anne sat down next to him.

"Wow," she laughed. "I love your favorite dinner, but my stomach sure doesn't!"

He couldn't even bring himself to smile at her comment.

She sobered. "Gil, are you alright? You've been acting strange since dinner."

He shrugged. "I'm alright."

"No, you're not," she retorted, obviously knowing him better. "What is it?"

"I promise, I'm fine."

"Tell me."

"Anne, please just leave it alone."

"Gilbert Blythe, you talk to me right now!"

Startled, Gilbert relented. He sighed. "Fine. I...got offered a job in Summerside."

Anne's eyes widened. "Really?"

He nodded slowly. "They said that I would make a valuable addition to their team."

"Oh," she said simply, seeming to see the problem. "Did you say yes?"

He sighed and looked at her. "I said I would talk to you about it first. Because I don't want to make any decisions without you."

She exhaled. "Well, you can still find work around here. There are plenty of places that would be lucky to have you."

He shook his head. "I never wanted to be a country doctor, Anne."

"But that might be your only choice."

He stood up, anger creeping into his system.

"What about you?" he asked. "There are plenty of teaching opportunities in Summerside yet you won't even consider it."

"I already took my job," she retorted, standing up, as well.

"So I should just give up mine," he said loudly as more of a statement than a question.

The room went silent as the two looked at each other.

"So that's what it's come down to?" Gilbert finally asked softly. "Either you give up your dream or I do?"

Anne stayed stubbornly silent and crossed her arms, a sad expression on her face.

Gilbert let out a tired sigh. "I'm going to bed," he mumbled.

He walked to the bedroom without another word.

AN: wait...did y'all think she was pregnant? 😬🤷🏼‍♀️

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