Race to Freedom

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Two weeks had passed of Gilbert staying with Josephine Barry, and there were times he had to mentally stop himself from racing home to Anne and Joyce. Jo was lovely, of course, as were Cole and Rollings. His family was there, as well. However, his heart belonged with his wife and daughter. He felt so out of place in a bourgeoisie environment like this.

However, he did enjoy his morning talks with everyone on the balcony. Everyone would sit outside, drink tea, and talk about anything and everything as they watched the sunrise, waiting for Delly and Matthew to wake up.

This morning, unfortunately, it was raining cats and dogs outside, so they opted to sit in the parlour. Rollings had gone out to get an update on the manifestos. Everyone was hoping he would be able to find the ship that Gilbert and Bash had worked on previously. A few of their coworkers were bound to still be working there, so maybe since they knew Bash, they could pull some strings.

He turned as Cole finished a song on the piano. "What song was that, Cole?"

Cole turned and gave Gilbert a smile. "It's Beethoven. Moonlight Sonata Movement 1."

Gilbert leaned his forearms on his knees. "It seems quite sad and ominous."

Cole nodded. "I've always felt that way, too. Jo and I actually attended a funeral where this was played."

"I like it!" Delly cheered happily, coming over and climbing on the couch next to her uncle.

Gilbert smiled at the little girl. "Nothing dampens your spirits, huh Delly?"

She simply giggled and hugged him.

"I do agree that it's sad," Muriel chimed in. "But I think there is some beauty to be found in sadness. Beethoven did a great job showing that in this piece."

Their peaceful conversation was interrupted when Rollings entered with an urgent air about him.

"Rollings?" Aunt Jo voiced, using her walking stick to help her up. "What is it? You look as if you've seen a ghost."

The butler took a minute to compose himself before speaking. "I was out taking a look at the manifestos when a few police offers barged in and asked the attendant if he had seen a Sebastian Lacroix or a Muriel Stacey. When he said that he had not, the officer ordered him to keep a lookout and that they were planning to barge into every home in Charlottetown to find them."

Bash and Muriel immediately gathered Delly and Matthew close to them while Gilbert stood up, his insides in a knot. "How do they know they are in Charlottetown?"

"It seems that someone from Avonlea mentioned that they had seen the two as well as two children, Cole, and Jerry heading to the train station."

"We need to get them out of here," Cole stated, also on his feet. Hazel began to gather their belongings while Elijah, Constance, and Jocelyn looked around almost helplessly.

"What of the manifestos?" Aunt Jo asked. "What did you discover?"

"It is indeed as we suspected," Rollings confirmed. "The steamship that Gilbert and Sebastian worked on is indeed in port today, but it is leaving earlier than expected."

"How much earlier?" Elijah asked.


Gilbert glanced at the clock. 11:00 a.m.

He sighed. "We don't have much time, but we can do it. Rollings, once they are finished packing, could you take, Elijah, Constance, and Jocelyn back to the Bog and make sure they get home safely."

Rollings nodded. "Of course, sir."

"Thank you. Cole and I will take Bash, Muriel, and the kids to the port. Aunt Jo can stay here in case the police come."

"This will be dangerous, Gilbert," Aunt Jo warned."

He sighed and nodded. "I know."


Gilbert watched as Rollings took Elijah, Constance, and Jocelyn away, hoping that they would remain safe. The rain had finally stopped, but the clouds warned that it could return at any moment.

Once they were out of sight, he turned to Cole. "Are you sure you're alright to drive?"

Cole nodded. "Of course. We are going to take the covered carriage to minimize visibility."

At that moment, Bash, Muriel, and the kids rushed down the stairs, suitcases in hand. As Gilbert watched them, the reality of what was happening seemed to sink in. These individuals were his family. Bash was the first person besides Anne and the Cuthberts to make him feel less alone after his father died. Muriel was the first teacher to embrace him and his dreams and truly work with him to make them a reality. He had known Delly and Matthew ever since they were born.

He wasn't sure if he would ever see them again.

Fighting back tears, he took a deep breath. "Alright, it's time to go."


Gilbert and Bash stared at the steamship from the parking lot as if they were seeing an old home again. It was almost impossible for Gilbert to imagine Bash being there without him.

"Okay," he mumbled, climbing out. "Let's go."

Everyone dismounted from the carriage except for Cole, who stayed at the ready with the reins per Gilbert's request.

Both Bash and Muriel held one suitcase, knowing they would need to travel lightly. Muriel held Matthew on her hip while Bash held Delly.

"Do you see anyone you recognize?" Muriel asked the two men. Matthew had begun crying and she was becoming stressed from trying to soothe him.

"Not yet," Gilbert answered. The horn from the ship blew, indicating that it would be setting sail in five minutes. It had been a few years since he had step foot on a ship, but he still remembered it all by heart.

"Blythe," Bash voiced, pointing to a certain individual getting ready to board. "It's Christian. He's still working."

Once he zeroed in on who Bash was referring to, Gilbert did recognize the man. The three of them would often buddy around together at night before going to bed.

Before the brunette could respond, however, the sound of another carriage pulling in made the three adults turn.

The police.

"Don't cause a scene," Muriel ordered as they began walking.

"Go straight to Christian," Gilbert told Bash quietly and hurriedly. "Let him know you are in a crisis and need immediate passage to Trinidad."

Once Bash nodded, he continued, "I love all four of you so much. Anne and I will come and visit as soon as we can. If you write to us, do not include a return address."

"It's them!" a shout sounded behind them.

Without even looking back, the three began running, shouts commanding them to stop immediately ensuing. Gilbert knew what would happen to him, but as long as his family reached freedom, that was all that mattered.

Gilbert ran with them as far as he could before stopping, watching as they ran up to Christian.

A second later, someone was forcing his arms behind his back and letting him know he was being arrested.

But as he saw Christian quickly hurry Bash and his family onto the ship, he smiled.

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