A Gut Feeling

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The next day was slow for Dr. Blythe at Green Gables. Aside from a few scheduled appointments scattered throughout the day, the office remained mostly empty.

For once, Gilbert was grateful for the lack of patients. It gave him time to spend with his daughter and mother-in-law, but it also allowed him to think.

Not one more word was mentioned about Thomas after Anne left the decision up to him. They enjoyed each other's company, but he couldn't take his mind off their conversation.

Every time the young boy entered Gilbert's mind, a pit formed in his stomach. Thomas was with his father, who, according to Anne, was an abrasive drunk. Gilbert had no idea how he was. Was he eating enough? Did he finally get a good night's sleep in his own home?

Was he happy?

Gilbert exhaled shakily and leaned on the counter. He was afraid this would happen. He had been against Thomas staying from the start in fear of getting attached. Now here he was.

Thomas was a son in Gilbert Blythe's heart.


Half after three, Gilbert was surprised to see his wife walk through the door, seeming lethargic and deeply depressed.

"Anne," he greeted worriedly, approaching her and feeling her forehead. "What's the matter? Are you ill? Is the baby alright?"

Anne removed his hand from her forehead. "The baby is fine and, physically, so am I." She walked over and plopped down at the kitchen table. "My heart, however, seems to have been crushed by a boulder."

Gilbert considered and decided against fetching Marilla, who was milking Prejudice with Joyce outside.

"Honey, what happened?" he asked apprehensively, knowing that it must be serious if she was so quiet and not in hysterics like she tended to be.

She had to take a few deep breaths before answering. "Thomas wasn't in school today."

Though he felt a shot of fear in his heart, Gilbert tried to be practical.

"Anne, that could mean anything," he said softly, sitting next to her and holding her hand. "Maybe he was ill."

She shook her head. "He was in perfect health yesterday. I stopped by his house after class, but no one was home."

Sniffling, she turned her gaze to him. "Something is wrong, Gil. I know; I can feel it."

If he were to be honest, Gilbert felt it, too.

And it paralyzed him.


Two weeks.

Two weeks passed without any sign of the Blythes' beloved Thomas. He didn't show up to school, neither he or his father were ever at home, and slowly, his name stopped coming from Anne and Gilbert's mouths.

They never stopped thinking about him or wanting him, of course, but talking about him soon became too painful for the couple to bear.

At the beginning, there would be nights when Gilbert would hear Anne's soft cries from the bedroom from his lonely spot on the piano bench. He had tried to force himself to start playing again, but without someone to teach, the idea seemed pointless.

They just wanted their son back.

AN: sorry this chapter is shorter, i just needed to stop there

i'm super late, but i'm finally reading the aogg books. i'm almost done with the first one and it is so much fun to see all the little parts that the show referenced!

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