A Family Emergency

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Anne stared at Green Gables, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest. The mere thought of anything happening to Matthew was too inconceivable to imagine. It made her stomach twist into impossible knots.

She was suddenly steadied as Gilbert clasped her hand in his own. She looked over at him and he must have seen the fear in her eyes because he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

She looked down, taking a deep breath and composing herself.

"Thanks," she whispered before walking up to the door, Gilbert following suit.

She rolled her shoulders a forced a strong expression. Once she was sure she was steady, she walked in.

Marilla was sitting in the living room and turned as she saw the couple walk in.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, standing up and walking over to them. "Anne, Gilbert, I told you both not to come home."

Marilla hugged Anne and kept her hands on her shoulders as she pulled away.

Anne exhaled. "Did you honestly expect us to stay?"

She sighed. "I suppose not." She moved and hugged Gilbert.

"I'm sorry we weren't here when it happened,"
her husband murmured.

"Fiddlesticks," she chastised. "The two of you deserved your honeymoon. I'm only sorry we had to ruin it."

"How is he?" Anne asked worriedly. Gilbert put his hand on her shoulder. She reached up and held it.

Marilla sighed. "He's better than he was. Carmody's doctor has been keeping an eye on him."

"Can we see him?" Gilbert asked.

She nodded and the three of them walked up to his room.

Matthew was sleeping as they crept in. Marilla walked over and put his hand on his shoulder, waking him up.

"You have visitors," she said kindly.

Matthew groggily looked over as Anne and Gilbert walked up to him.

"Why are you here?" he mumbled. "You're supposed to be on your honeymoon."

"We wanted to be with you," Anne said softly, sitting next to him. Gilbert nodded in agreement.

"I don't want the two of you suffering because of me."

"We're not suffering, Matthew," Gilbert insisted. "We had a wonderful time."

He sighed and pat Anne's hand. "Well...it's good to see the two of you home and happily married."

Anne smiled and leaned back against Gilbert, his arm immediately looping around her. "We are very happy."

He managed a smile and a nod before falling back asleep.

The couple looked over at Marilla. She gestured for them to follow her.

The three of them walked out into the hall.

"The doctor wants to keep a close eye on him," she said, wiping her already clean hands on her apron. "I don't know how I'll manage to pay for everything."

"We'll help," Anne offered immediately. "We can move back here for a little while and we can help. We still have a good amount saved up."

"And I can keep a constant eye on him," Gilbert added. "I know I'm not exactly a professional but-"

Marilla grabbed his hand, cutting him off. "Thank you, Gilbert."

He sighed. "Matthew is my family, too."

She took a moment before nodding. "I'll make up Anne's old room for the two of you."

The three of them turned as they heard a knock on the door.

"Oh," Marilla breathed in surprise. "That'll be Bash. He'll certainly be surprised to see you both home."

She made her way downstairs and Anne and Gilbert exchanged a tired expression before following her.

AN: omg guys over 27,000 reads??? that's crazy! i love you guys so much and i am so happy that you're enjoying this story! i hope i'm making you proud ❤️

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