Dinner with a Collegue

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Gilbert was clocking in for the the day and putting on his laboratory coat when Dr. Bledsoe approached him.

"Good morning, Gilbert," he greeted. "Ready for a busy day?"

Gilbert smiled. "You bet. I'm still surprised they're letting both of us out at 5."

"Speaking of, I was wondering if you and Anne would like to come over for dinner at my place tonight.

"Really?" Gilbert asked. "We wouldn't want to intrude."

Dr. Bledsoe waved it off. "You absolutely wouldn't be. In fact, it's only me so it can become quite lonely. Your company would be a saving grace."

Finally, Gilbert relented. "Alright, we would love to come. Thank you for the invitation."

With that, the two men set off to work.


That night, Gilbert and Anne approached the house that belonged to the address Dr. Bledsoe had given them. Anne's arm, which was looped through Gilbert's, was oddly tense.

"It's quite a nice place," he commented, trying to make light of Anne's strange attitude.

Finally, she forced a smile. "Doctor's salary."

Gilbert turned to her, quite concerned. "Are you alright?" he asked. "You've been acting strange ever since I got home."

She exhaled and nodded. "Yes. Sorry...students were especially rowdy today."

He was about to question her further, but the moment was interrupted by Dr. Bledsoe opening the door.

"Welcome!" he greeted with a smile. "Come on in!"

Gilbert gave Anne one more glance before following her inside.

Dinner was a surprisingly, uneventful affair. Dr. Bledsoe did his best to keep up a conversation and make jokes with Anne, however she would simply give him a short, dry response. It was clear that he was distressed with how she was acting towards him. Gilbert held a chat with him more successfully, but he, too, was distracted worrying about his wife. She never acted this way.

As they went to leave, Anne immediately walked outside while Gilbert put on his coat.

"I'm sorry about Anne," he apologized quietly. "I'm not sure what's up with her."

Dr. Bledsoe put up a hand. "Please, it's alright. I hope she's okay."

The two bid their goodbyes before Gilbert went off to follow his wife.

"What was that about?" he called after her. "I can't believe how impolite that was."

Anne stopped and sighed, turning to him. "You're right. I'm not sure what's up with me. I must just be in a funk today."

Like before, Gilbert didn't quite believe her, but her expression pleaded with him to not push it.

Chalking it up to hormones, he sighed and nodded.

The two walked home without another word.


They arrived back at their apartment and Gilbert walked into the bedroom to change while Anne sorted through the mail.

"Hey, Gil!" she called. He poked his head into the living room as she held up an invitation. "Ruby and Moody are getting married."

Gilbert smiled. "Well, it sure took them long enough. When's the wedding?"

"Early next month. Make sure to take off work for the weekend."

"You, too."

As Gilbert finished getting changed, he couldn't keep a smile off his face at the prospect of going home.

AN: hey y'all sorry for this short and kinda random chapter lol. i promise it'll get good soon i just kinda needed a filler chapter 😂😂

anyways, for those of y'all who are doing online school rn, how is it? for me, self motivation is definitely difficult especially with all of my stomach issues, but i just got disney plus and i do like being able to take a break and watch a pixar movie whenever i want

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