Dear Anne,
It raises my spirits to know you were able to learn more about your parents. From the sound of it, they seem very similar to you. Your mother sounds beautiful. I have always believed you should improve your opinion on your hair. It's simply gorgeous and was, as you most likely know, the first thing I ever noticed about you.
Toronto is very nice. I'm quite happy. I hope there will be a time where you can come up and visit. I would love to be able to give you a grand tour. Just being able to see you again would make me happy beyond measure. I guess that will have to wait until Christmas.
I miss Bash and Delly more than words can describe. I cannot wait to see them again.
Please answer soon. These letters are the only things keeping me from going insane from how much I miss you.
I love you more,
GilbertAnne Shirley-Cuthbert sat on her bed in her dorm room at Queens, rereading Gilbert's letter over and over again with a certain pain in her heart.
"Well?" Diana asked from her own bed.
Anne looked over at her bosom friend and forced a smile, lightly hugging the letter to her chest.
"He's very happy in Toronto," she said. "He loves it there."
Diana nodded. "That sounds great. Why are you upset?"
Anne sighed, hugging the letter a little closer. "I'm only going to get to hear from him every two weeks. I didn't think that would be so difficult."
Diana gave her a sympathetic look. "You'll just have to put that much more focus into your studies." She got up and moved over to sit on Anne's bed. "Besides, this could make your love for him that much stronger."
Anne took a deep breath. "You're right, Diana."
The two talked for a little longer before blowing out the candles and going to sleep.
A/N: sorry this chapter is a little shorter. hopefully the next one will be longer. also happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it!
Long Distance Love Letters
RomanceSince Netflix is too much of a coward to give Shirbert a season 4, I'm going to do it myself. Anne and Gilbert are finally happily together, yet they're hundreds of miles away from each other for college. Letters are the only way they sustain themse...