Chapter Thirty Eight

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early update bc OTRAT starts in like T-minus 7 hours holy poo TMHT ended like a week ago what the hell is this


"Hey Sates," Samara called, "how long are you planning on staying?"

I looked up from the tea I was staring into to see my sister's head pop around the corner.

"I dunno," I mumbled, looking back into the warm liquid as if the answers to all my problems rested in its depths.

"Are you ever going to tell me why you came here in the first place?" she added, gentler.

"I dunno," I repeated.

"It's been a week," she reminded me, as if I didn't already know. "I'm not going to demand an explanation, but I would be of a lot more help if I knew what was going on."

"I don't need your help."

"Uh-huh," she agreed sarcastically.

She stared at me for a moment before sighing and making her way to sit across from me. She put her hand over mine and I finally looked up at her.

"I haven't heard you cry yourself to sleep since Dad died."

I flinched away. "I didn't mean for you to hear me."

"It's not a curse to be in pain," she said softly.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."


"Satey," she sighed, "you think you're stronger if you keep all your pain to yourself, but it'll just make you weaker."

"I know you're a therapist, but I don't need your mind tricks. I'm fine."

She looked at me for a long time, I could feel how sad her gaze was. I could tell my sister wanted to help me, and I appreciated that, but I didn't want to get her involved.

What if Liam's dad... What if something happened?

I couldn't let her and Sebastian both end up in the hospital because of me.

"Alright," Samara said softly before getting up, walking around the table to press a kiss to my head. "But if you need anything..."

"I know," I whispered.

"I love you, Satey, okay? No matter what."

"I love you too."


As soon as Samara figured out something was actually wrong with me, she didn't let it rest. It was one of her strong suits and I used to appreciate it, but in my current situation it was just annoying. She approached me with different theories to upset me every day for the next week. If her house wasn't my only option, I would have taken anything to get away from her curiosity.

"You're not selling drugs are you?"

"No, Sam."

"You didn't, like, get caught and are hiding from the police at my house?"

"I've never done drugs, Sam."

"Doesn't mean you aren't a dealer."


She recoiled as I slapped her hand away from where she was poking me on my shoulder as I read.

"I'm only gonna piss you off more until you tell me," she said flatly.

"You haven't changed at all," I grumbled.

"You would've known that if you didn't disappear off the face of the planet when Mom ditched."

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