Chapter Twelve

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I couldn’t begin to describe how much I wanted to know what Liam wanted to forget.  I wanted to know why he turned out the way he did.  I wanted to know what happened to his family that made him move across the ocean.  I wanted to know what made him so violent inside.

Would I push for answers?


Liam Payne had done so much for me that I wouldn’t put him through what obviously still hurt him.  I felt slightly obligated to stay with him on his conditions because of what he had done.  Because, to be honest, if he hadn’t had saved me from my attacker in the alleyway, there was no way I would be with him.

I looked at him, lightly dozing on my couch.  He seemed so peaceful.  It was almost almost hard to believe that someone with such a relaxed face today could beat the living shit out of someone tomorrow.

I wished it weren’t the way it was.  I wished the pleasant way he was with me was the way he was all the time.  But, he was violent inside and I knew that.  I supposed it wasn’t healthy for him to keep all of his violent habits inside.  I just wished that his past didn’t happen so he didn’t end up the broken way he did inside.

I wished he wasn’t so dark inside.

“Satey,” he muttered, rousing slightly from his sleep.

“I’m here,” I said stretching my hand towards his that was searching for me.

He gripped it with his fingers and heaved a sigh.  I watched him sleep with a small smile on my face.

Why wasn’t he like this all the time?

A few minutes later,  Liam sat up, yanking his hand from mine and running it through his hair.  I was slightly surprised as he shot up, rigid.

“Where’s the bathroom?” he said abruptly as he stood.

“Down the hall, last door on the left,” I said, slightly confused at his sudden change of demeanor.

“I’m gonna have a shower,” he said as he was walking out of the room.

I stared at his retreating form, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  That was... strange.  He hadn’t been that suddenly closed off since his strange break down in the car.

I shrugged and put it off as him not wanting to be violent around me.  I went into the kitchen and placed my bowl in the sink.  I heard the water on and I heaved a sigh.  I didn’t know if I could take two different sides of Liam.

I was just getting lost in my thoughts as my phone vibrated on the counter.

‘Imogen,’ the flashing I.D. said.

I sighed as I answered it, preparing for dramatics.

“Hey Im.”

“Where have you disappeared to?”

“It’s a long story...” I tried, twirling my hair around a finger on my free hand.

“I don’t care,” she hugged, “I want an explanation.  You totally ditched on our breakfast plans this morning.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I’ve gotten... caught up.”

“With what?”

“I told you, it’s a long story.”

“Is that code for you don’t want to tell me?”

“I’m... I’m just in kind of a mess right now.”

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