Chapter Two

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"What the hell?" Imogen repeated as soon as the door slammed shut, the bell giving out a loud and angry clang.

I was frozen, once again, in the spot that Liam had driven me with his closeness; against the wall. I stared at the door he just exited. I was not, in the least, okay with what just happened. To be fair to myself and Liam, though, I had no idea what just happened. So when Imogen stepped in front of me, demanding what was going on, the only thing I could say was... nothing.

"What the fuck was that?" she yelled for the third time, "I turn around the corner and you're leaping back from as if you two had like shared a moment!"

"We definitely did not kiss, if that's what you're assuming," I said in disgust. I couldn't tell if she was angry with me or Liam. Frankly, I couldn't tell much of anything at that point in time. I pushed myself away from the wall to walk around to the other side of the counter.

"That's not what I meant, Satey, you know that," Imogen said, her voice with the same intensity, just with less volume.

I whirled around, "I really don't, Im, that's just it, I don't. I have no idea what just happened. Normally I can read people fairly well, but Liam just barged in here, acting all sweet with Banjo and teasing me and not beating anybody up and saying he was transfixed by me, so I am very confused and you yelling at me is definitely not helping." By the end of my monologue, a few frustrated tears had escaped my eye, despite myself.

Imogen paused, coming closer to me.

"But you're alright, yeah? He didn't... touch you or anything?"

"No, Im, no," I sighed, "no."

"I'm sorry I yelled," she said softly, "it was just weird."

"Tell me about it," I said and that earned a smile from the both of us.

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly to calm my pounding heart. Imogen walked around, putting the few leftover books back to where they belonged.

My mind was racing and I couldn't think straight. Everything that had just happened was racing through my brain and it was giving me a headache. Imogen's words were repeating themselves and I found myself wondering the same thing.

What the fuck was that?


"After that, he just left and slammed the door shut," Imogen ended the story with a laugh.

Of course my terrifying encounter with Liam was now a hilarious comedy story. I didn't expect anything less. With the type of girls we were hanging out with... I didn't think they would appreciate considering Liam a threat. They found that I wanted rescuing from Liam more funny than him taking an interest in me.

"God, why did you kick him out?" Kimberly asked her, "I would've stayed and fucked him right there."

"As much as I wanted to," Imogen drew out with another drunken laugh, "I could tell that Satey wanted him out A.S.A.P.," she popped the 'P.'

"Yeah, out of his clothes," Yazmine snorted, earning a laugh from the rest of the table. "Jesus Christ though, he is hot."

"Hottest fighter in town," Layla agreed.

"To Liam," Imogen gurgled with a laugh, holding up her glass with a shaky arm.

"To Liam!" all the girls chorused before taking a swig of their drinks and laughing.

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