Chapter Fourty Five

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double update cos I'm a shit updater ilysm


I woke up in a van; panicked, until Harry appeared in front of me, calming me down.

"You're safe, Satey, you're safe, everything is fine."

I closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the rest as I slowed my breathing.

"Where's Liam?" I asked him softly.

Harry paused, causing me to look at him warily.

"Where is he?"

"He's in another car," he explained, "it, uh, took longer than they thought to get him out of there, but we needed to leave to get you to the hospital."

"I didn't want to leave without Liam," I told him, desperately trying not to get angry. Harry had done so much for me.

"We'll see him soon," he promised.

I swallowed, not satisfied with his answer but accepting it anyway.

"Is James...? Did they-?"

"He's in custody," Harry assured me.

I sighed, at least there was some good news.

We arrived at the hospital quickly, whoever was in the drivers seat had sped an awful lot.

"Satey," Harry muttered beside me, "I'm gonna have to carry you."

"Why?" I asked. I felt fine aside from a headache and stomach cramps.

"They're putting you on a drip once we get inside, you're severely dehydrated; you're too weak to walk."

"I feel fine."

"You're in a daze," he told me gently, "you're in shock. You were tied up for three days."

"Three days?"

Harry nodded, almost ashamed. "It took us awhile to find you. What little we had on James made it hard to figure out where he had taken you two."

Guilt coursed through my veins. "I'm sorry I left."

"It's okay," Harry said as he gathered me into his arms. "I would have done the same thing. If it had been Louis-," the thought was cut off by the words getting stuck in his throat and he shook his head.

"Thank you for coming for us," I told him as he carried me inside.

"You're both idiots," he replied with a smile, "but you're our idiots."

I was placed in a unit quickly, an IV injected into my arm as they tried to rehabilitate me as soon as they could. Harry stayed with me, although I was sure he wanted to be by Louis' side, and I was grateful.

We were there for a few hours before Louis burst in the doorway, hair disheveled and panting heavily like he had run through the entire hospital to find us. Harry stood up immediately, going to him and kissing his forehead. I sat up, ignoring the dull pain in my head.

"Is he here?" I asked.

"Almost." Louis nodded as the couple turned to me.

"Get me up," I demanded.

"Satey, it'd be better if you'd just-"

"Harry Styles, if you don't help me up right now I will make the rest of your life around me a living hell."

Flustered, he did as he was told as Louis smiled at me, giving me a wink.

Leaning on Louis for support, I hobbled my way to the lobby with the IV carousel wheeling behind us with loud squeaks. A few nurses tried to encourage me back to my room, but Harry stopped them with polite explanations of why I was being a stubborn bitch.

For love, he told them.

"I'm glad you're okay," Louis whispered in my ear as I rested my tired head on his shoulder while we waited at the lobby, staring intently at the main door; we had become close because of the quarters we had shared those few days. Crises always brought people closer.

"I'm sorry I left," I whispered back, squeezing the arm I already had been gripping tightly.

"Its okay. I would have done the same thing," he replied, just as Harry had, giving me a small kiss to the top of my head. "We can be pretty stupid for the people we love, and I understand that."

I smiled gratefully, even though he couldn't see my face.

I didn't have time to reply verbally, though, as a black jeep pulled in the circle.

"That's Zayn and Niall," Louis breathed, squeezing my hand, "they have Liam."

I lifted my head from his shoulder and watched as they both got out of the passenger and drivers side doors before coming to open the back seat. They helped Liam out, and relief coursed through me as he walked himself inside, unlike me.

Liam looked up, his face bruised, nose swollen and crooked and his ears leaking blood; and a sound came out of my throat that was a mix of relief and horror as my hands dropped to my side in shock. Louis' hand was placed at my back as he steadied me.

And then Liam was running to me, limping to the left, but running as best he could before he was in front of me.

I stared up at him, my beautiful broken boy, and he touched my cheek with his finger, as if he was making sure I was real.

"Liam," I breathed.

He crushed me to him, and I was breathless in the most exciting way. His hands gripped the small of my back, pressing me as close to him as possible.

Liam was mumbling something into my shoulder, over and over, I could feel his lips moving against the hospital gown fabric.

"Liam," I laughed, practically high on the happiness I was consumed by, "I can't hear you."

He pulled back, tears in his eyes as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you," he said and my breath got stuck in my throat. (and Louis squeaked in excitement behind me)

"I love you," Liam said again.

"I love you," he repeated over and over as he kissed my forehead, my eyelids, my nose and, finally, my lips.

"I love you so much," he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too," I whispered.


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