Chapter Sixteen

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I was never fond of driving while being hot and bothered.

The fact that I had gotten in such a state by merely kissing Satey almost pissed me off just as much.

As I drove, I could feel her penetrating gaze on me.  I knew she wanted me to say something to explain what had just happened.  I didn’t want to say it out loud though. I didn’t want to try to tell her that I wasn’t exactly sure what had happened.

One second, I was in my car trying to power through Craig’s auditory assault.

The next, I was slamming him against the concrete and beating the shit out of him.

I didn’t have time to process my actions.

All I knew was the fucker deserved it.

When we got to hers, Satey was still off.  I wasn’t sure what made this fight so different from the scuffle Sam and I had for training, but she was upset.

She heaved a sigh as I closed the door behind us, and I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping she wouldn’t say it.

“About the fight...” she started.

She said it.

I could tell by her voice, and the expression I saw on her face when I turned around, that it had taken a great deal of effort to actually bring it up.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I interrupted, and I didn’t.  I didn’t want to hear how she didn’t like how violent I was.  I didn’t want to hear about the one thing that constantly drove a stake into... whatever what we had was called.

I strode over to her in one large step and tried to take her in my arms, burying my face into her warm neck.  I sighed with my eyes closed for a beat, relishing in her wonderful scent.

“I do,” she protested and pried her way out of my grasp.

When her warmth disappeared, I reached out and blindly locked my hands around her wrist, pulling her back to me.  She collapsed into my chest with a small squeak and I couldn’t contain the small grin that tugged on the ends of my lips at her reaction.

My mouth was on hers in an instant.  I didn’t give her time to think or breathe.  My fingers threaded through her silken hair, my palms held her in place as I assaulted her lips.  When I felt her jerk in surprise before sagging against me, my other hand gathered her to me at her waist.  I felt her hands on my chest, pulling and tugging at my shirt as her lips parted to let me take the kiss deeper.

She was putty in my hands.

And I was putty in her lips.

I was lost in her.

I had no concept of time or place or what had happened hours before.  Hell, I forgot I was supposed to be a tough son of a bitch.  My every thought and every breath was Satey Andrews.  The way her scent drifted up from her skin, the feel of her slender waist against my muscular one, the whimper that came from the back of her throat as I drew my tongue across her lower lip.

When I finally unlocked the strong hold I had on her waist, she pushed me away, dragging her wondrous lips with her.  Her breathing was unsteady and her magnificent blue eyes were cloudy as her eyebrows knit together in a scowl.

“You can’t do that,” she said, “you can’t think that avoiding a discussion with a kiss is going to make everything alright.”

It made something alright.

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