Chapter Seventeen

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"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

I had pulled her inside, closing the deck door behind me. Liam was left behind, flustered.

I was flustered. Imogen was flustered.

And pissed.

"You and Liam aren't a thing, huh?" she asked. Her arms were folded and her hip was cocked to the side.

"We aren't... We just..." I trailed off. I wasn't even sure to call what Liam and I had. We hadn't been fooling around. He was just... there.

I knew for a fact it wasn't as bad as I was sure she thought it was.

"I need an explanation, Satey," Imogen demanded, breaking my thoughts, "because I sure as hell am not going to keep guessing."

I glanced out at Liam pacing on the deck. He was running his hans through his hair and biting his lip. I wasn't sure what emotion was on his face.

The feeling of utter cluelessness when it came to reading Liam's thoughts was something I had grown accustomed to.

"I don't know what we have," I whispered.

I could feel her bristling beside at my vague response.

"He showed up after I got hurt a few days ago," I said before she could cut in, "I was a mess and he... stayed with me. He's been with me ever since, making sure I'm alright. Work today was the first time we'd been apart."

I sounded like a lovesick teenager.

But it was the only legitimate explanation that would make some degree of sense.

Even though what happened between me and Liam the past few days was not comprehensive at all.

"And he got arrested," Imogen pointed out and I grimaced.


"Satey, he's no good for you," she said bluntly, "I tried to keep an open mind about this, but today was evidence enough that I need to step in. You can't possibly think that he's a good for you if you're constantly cooped up alone with him, sneaking around."

"We're not-"

"You need to listen to me. I don't think you being around him is a good idea. I won't sit by here any longer and watch you get played, so this is it. Him or me?"

I was stunned.

My mouth was hanging open and I was staring at her in pure disbelief. I found myself wondering if she was the same person who only said I should just be careful. My mind was on fire with confusion. The added combination of all the events of the day and the past week caused my brain to be hard at processing... anything really.

But the seriousness on her face shook me back into movement.

I glanced back at Liam, the one who was still nervously pacing outside, and back at her.

"Imogen, I..." I trailed off again, unable to voice my jumbled thoughts.

Her hardened eyes narrowing even further in silent daggers caused me to take a step back, closer towards the beautiful figure stressed outside.

Her gaze slowly lowered to one of sadness, her jaw slacking before setting itself again.

"Fine," she said in a clipped tone, "but don't come running to me when you let your guard down and he breaks your heart."

And she was gone.

It had all happened so fast that I stared at the closed door in stunned silence.

I couldn't process what happened. I knew Imogen was angry with my less-than-truthful dodging of her questions, but didn't know she was distraught enough to leave entirely. A flash of a thought clicked in the back of my mind, suggesting that it was bigger than what I really thought, but I brushed it away.

I turned back around to look at Liam.

His deep brown eyes locked with mine and I could see the panic reflecting in his eyes. He took a tentative step forward, opening the sliding door to come to a halt in front of me.

"What did she say?" his voice seemed wary and it was quiet. It made me wonder, yet again, if something had gone down between the two of them.

More than just the obvious, that was.

"She told me to stay away from you," I replied honestly, my unblinking eyes staying locked with his even though he glanced at his feet.

"Yeah," he said softly.

"And then she told me that if I was going to be with you, she would leave," I paused as he continued to avert my gaze, "so she left."

His head yanked up, his eyes filled with so many emotions that I couldn't place what he was thinking.

"What?" The tone he used made what he said not even sound like a real word.


"I heard you," he snapped softly, his eyes beginning to narrow, "but why did you choose me?"

I frowned, confused and taken aback.

"I... I guess we... I thought... We... I..." I stammered, unable to explain myself to him.

"We are not together," he spat between his teeth.

"That's not how I work and you know that," he added in the same harsh tone, causing me to flinch away.

His hands lifted and he fisted the already tousled hair on his head, his muscles flexing as the rest of his body shook. His jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyes squeezed shut. He seemed to be trying hard not to punch something.

"Liam, I-"

"Don't," he hissed.

When his eyes popped open, the raw darkness inside shook fright through my entire body.

As soon his eyes contacted mine, though, they darted away as he brushed past me.

I fell back against the wall, overwhelmed with tears threatening to spill over, and he strode to my door and opened it without even a look back in my direction.

The door was pulled shut behind him and I slid down the wall, putting my head on my knees as I let the tears flow.

I felt it then.

The shattering of my hopes echoed in my heart as the slamming of the door echoed in my ears.


I'm sorry this chapter is kind of crappy and short

but I had so much stuff this past week. :P


Thank you so much for 2,700 reads :):)

I love you guys so much for sticking with me

through all of Siam or Latey (which one)

issues and the issues I have with not posting



As always, remember to





:) :*


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