Chapter Twenty One

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I woke up discombobulated with a striking pain in my head.

“Ow,” I verbalized with a groan.

“Alright, babe?” a calm voice asked.

I turned and saw Liam laying next to me, his arms bent above his head to tug at his hair.   I could tell he had been stressfully pulling at it for some time as it was tousled messily.

“Yeah,” I said quietly, “just a massive headache.”  I pressed my palm to the side of my forehead and welcomed the pleasant cool relief with closed eyes.  “Jesus, what happened?”

Liam turned to his night stand and reached to grasp a glass and two pills. “Here.”

I took them slowly from his hands, frowning as he dodged my question.  I gulped the pills down and swallowed quickly before glancing back at Liam.

“What happened,” I more demanded than asked.

“You, um,” Liam started and ran a hand through his hair, “you passed out.”

I furrowed my eyebrows.  I didn’t remember that. “You mean like unconscious?”

He only nodded, averting my eyes.

“Why?” I pressed.

I saw his jaw tighten as he clenched his teeth.

“Are you alright?” he asked instead.


He reached up and pushed another hand through his already disturbed hair.

“I’m going to fight Craig.”

I sat back, processing what that meant. “Oh.”

He turned to me then, his eyes dark.  “It’s not that I want to, which I really fucking do, it’s also that he’s just beaten up Paul unfairly.”

That was when it all came back.  Paul walking in, blood everywhere, telling Liam what happened.  Liam glaring at him as he heard, his jaw set in anger.  Me coming in, asking what he was going to do.  Then…


“It’s not for no reason, Satey,” he explained desperately, “He’s gone after two people who I… who are close to me. I can’t just stand by and let that happen.”


He shot up and curled his legs close, sitting cross legged, and gripped my upper arms to turn me to face him.

“Say something other than ‘oh’,” he demanded.

“I don’t want you to,” I said simply.

“I can take him, Satey,” he said softly.

“I know that,” I lied.

“Then why-?”

“Fighting never solves anything,” I snapped, willing my eyes to get my desperation across, rather than the anger I had lashed out with, “It’ll only make him angrier.  And then you’ll both continue to have hatred growing for each other and more fights will break out…  It’s just a never ending cycle.”

“Not if I beat the shit out of him until he bleeds.”

Liam’s harsh words paired with his nasty tone caused my head to snap up, glaring at him.

“So you’re just going to kill him?” my voice squeaked, making my fear evident behind the anger I masked it with.

Liam laughed.

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