Chapter Twenty Two

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My hand was grasped firmly in Liam’s as he led me through the crowded gym.  I couldn’t have shaken him off I wanted to, his grip was like iron to keep my stumbling self from falling behind.

“Fucking Craig,” Liam muttered under the volume of the gym, only loud enough for me to hear him, “set this whole thing up.” He jutted his chin out to motion at the growing crowd.

It as all loud, too loud.

I stared around at the people, my vision blurring, and if not for Liam leading me, I would have fallen.  My heart pounded in my chest as the crowd surged around us, not paying any mind to the frightened girl or the hooded guy leading her through.

Panic coursed in my veins.

“Liam,” I squeaked.

My voice was quiet as I repeated his name over and over, hoping he would hear my desperation just once within the loud crowd.

I had to tell him.  I had to tell him before he had to-

When Liam pushed through the double doors, hand slipping from mine to yank his hood off, and allowed them to slam shut behind us, it was quiet.  The only sounds heard were the sharp clicks of his shoes hitting the unfinished flooring and my shallow breathing.

My eyes followed him as he threw his gym bag to the side and fiddled with a lock on a locker, not acknowledging how palpable my fright was.

My breath was cut even shorter when I saw his shoulders flex as he drew his arms around himself to pull his tops off.

Liam turned to me then, hands freezing where they were undoing the belt to his impossibly tight jeans.  His feet, now shoeless, padded over to me and his eyebrows were furrowed as he tried to figure me out.

“What’s wrong?” he asked and his voice seemed loud in the quiet room, even though we were yards from a crowd whose volume seemed like that of a riot.

“I can’t,” my voice cracked and I shook my head, breaking our locked gaze because I was unable to look into his brown eyes, “I don’t think I can do this.”

Liam sighed, reaching forward to stroke his thumb across my cheek. “I know you don’t want to watch.”

It was true.  I could barely handle the fact the Liam fought, I had no idea how I was supposed to cope with watching him in the ring.

“But I won’t be able to fight properly if I don’t know you’re safe,” he added softly.

I looked up at him, leaning my face into his comforting touch, letting my eyes question him wordlessly.

“Craig-,” Liam said as he visibly winced, “he doesn’t just fight dirty, he…” he trailed off and, for the first time, I was grateful Liam withheld the information from me.  I had a feeling that I did not want to know.

“Just knowing that you’re here, safe with Paul, and in my sights will be enough for me not to worry,” he said quietly.

His other hand reached up and stroked my hair.

“I need you here,” he whispered, “Satey.”

Liam lowered his lips to mine, kissing me deeply and sweetly.  My hands found their way to clasp behind his neck as his tongue brushed my bottom lip.  It darted into my mouth, tangling with my own tongue, as he sighed into me, leaning closer.  We were pressed flush against each other as his hand trailed to cup my other cheek.  He nibbled at my lower lip, sucking on it, and it was my turn to sigh with pleasure.

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