Chapter Thirty Nine

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For some odd reason, driving towards the one I love was more nerve-wrecking than driving away. I wound my fingers together at every traffic light, checking my phone to see if I had new messages from Liam. (He had left me 43 texts and 20 voicemails the week after I bailed on him. I had yet to listen to the voice messages, and didn't know if I ever would because I wasn't sure I could handle it.)

I told him I was coming to get him, but he never replied and my worry increased the closer and closer I got to him.

When my phone finally buzzed, I was outside of his house, not sure of what to do. I was so surprised I jumped, accidentally sending it flying into the passenger seat where it got wedged between the buckle and the door. I scrambled for it, cursing over and over until I finally yanked it into my grip. I didn't even check to see who it was before answering, sliding it unlocked with a weary hand to my forehead.

"Liam?" I breathed.

There was a pause.

"No," the voice said and my heart sank. "It's Harry."

"Fuck," I cursed, letting my head fall forward to thud against the steering wheel. "This isn't good news is it?" I asked, and I felt delirious and light-headed. "But, could you pretend that it is for a moment? I'm outside his house right now and all I want to do is run in there and see his face and hear his voice tell me how stupid I am. Harry, tell me he's okay, that you know where he is and he's not trying to be the fucking hero he think he is."

I didn't realize I was crying until a tear slid and hit my hand.

"Satey," Harry's voice crackled on the other side. "He's gone."

My heart sank.

"We don't know where he is. The place James was staying at is deserted, they've been gone for hours."

I punched the wheel in anger.

"I'm sorry."

"I love him," I whimpered, leaning back and wiping my tear-stained face with my palm.

"I know," Harry said softly, "and Liam knows too."

I hung up the phone before he could try and comfort me, because I knew it wouldn't work. I reached up and tugged on my hair as my breathing shallowed and my vision blurred. I screamed, pounding on the steering wheel in anger and defeat.

I'd lost him.

whoa this was super downer and really short, sorryyyyy. Imma try so hard to update before Tuesday but it might not be until NEXT WEEKEND I'm sorry I don't wanna leave you hanging again I'm sorry Liam's such an idiot. I LUB YOU ALL

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