Chapter Eighteen

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I couldn’t to it.

I had sped back to mine, my hands gripping the steering wheel as if it was my only life line, and wasn’t entirely sure how I made it.  My eyesight had been foggy with the countless emotions I had bottled inside of myself.

Once i had stumbled inside, groggily fumbling around like a drunk, I let it all out; all the frustrations I had with myself, with Satey, with what I had done to her heart.

I wasn’t good for her.

I didn’t want her to think I was.

It was proof enough that I had left her in the state she was in.

When I had realized my actions would have only hurt her more, I screamed.

The pent up rage I had kept inside the whole time i was around Satey released itself in the sound from my vocal chords.  I had paired it with numerous punches to the walls and pelting anything I could find at various structures.

Just when I had gotten a little sweaty, my angry high wore off.  I had leaned my head against an uninjured wall, swearing as my arms pushed my head back off of it again.  I had let my head dangle between my shoulders, swiping the angry tears away hastily.

The calming breathes I had taken with my eyes closed helped me to regain my sanity.  The only thing I had ben able to picture, though, was the look of complete hurt flashing on Satey’s beautiful broken face.

The awakening fact that I had caused such damage only initiated a repercussion of my anger at myself.

After a number of things being thrown into the walls of my flat and calming myself down, only to repeat the whole process again and again, there I was.

I couldn’t stay away from her.

I stared up at her building, shoving my hands into my pockets against the brisk night air.  Many thoughts ran through my mind as I stared at the inviting door.  I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to come back.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted myself to go back.

My feet didn’t listen to my mind’s doubts, however.  They made their way up the steps until I reached her door.

I pushed on it lightly, turning the knob gently, and felt a frustrated dismay seep through me as it swung forward.

She hadn’t even locked the door.

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, calming myself down again, as I walked through the thresh hold, making sure to lock it after I firmly shut it.

The rooms were dark, and an eerie feeling settled over me.  

It was suddenly as if I felt the need to be with Satey to protect her from whatever could be lurking in the night, even if she was perfectly safe in her own home.

I slipped into her room silently, leaving the door cracked so I wouldn’t wake her.  I could hear her soft breathing when I paused to make sure my actions that had happened previously in the eventing hadn’t caused her to remain awake.

My pants were slid down my legs and my shirt tugged over my head before I crawled behind her in her bed.

I was almost afraid to wrap my arms around her delicate torso. I didn’t want the feel of my skin on hers to wake her up, remembering what had happened in the midst of her sleepiness.

The thought of her having nightmares got the best of me, though, and I slid my arms around her.

I was instantly comforted with the feeling of her shape pressing into mine.

She was where she belonged.

My fingers found their way under her shirt, where I stroked the soft skin of her stomach.  I pressed my lips involuntarily to her neck, allowing my breath to fan over her ear, and she shivered.

I stilled my actions, terrified she would rouse and kick me out, but she only pushed father back into my body.

Her close proximity genuinely calmed me, and I felt sleep tugging at my mind before I fell to the temptation completely.


When I woke up, Satey was not in my arms.

Panic coursed through my veins and I shot up.

I sat there for a moment, registering the pain stabbing at my mind at the idea of growing too attached to her, but pushed it away when the frightened curiosity took hold.

If she had left, I wasn’t sure what I would do.

Much to my relief though, I found her curled on her couch, the sleeves to a sweater pressed up to her mouth.  It made her look even more fragile than usual.

My breath caught when I realized it was the sweater I had shed the day before. It was also the mere thought that she would still feel comfortable in my clothing even if I had upset her.

Satey looked beautiful in my clothes.

“Satey.”  I couldn’t help the breathy tone that escaped me when her name fell from my lips.

She looked up with a start, her eyes revealing how confused I was sure she felt.  

They were also brimming with the tears I had caused.

She stood abruptly as I came closer to her, opening her mouth to say something.  Her parted mouth closed as she thought the better of it, bringing the sweater sleeves up to rest over her mouth once again.

Satey looked tiny.

I opened my arms to take her in them when she took a step back, away from my embrace, and I found my heart tugging in pain as she wrapped her small arms around her shivering chest.

“You left,” she whispered behind the fabric of the sweater, her broken voice making me wince.

“But, I came back,” I pointed out in the miserable tone that voiced how shitty I felt.

I hated that she had such an effect on me.  I could go from a tough asshole who didn’t care about breaking his walls to a complete softy who wounded easily with just one look at her.

It didn’t seem to matter she was angry with me just because I was honest with her, my heart still felt for her.

Already, I could feel my mind bracing itself for what was to come.


I'm so sorry this has taken so freaking long!!

School is horrible and I had no time like ever

to write.


Please don't leave me because of it :'(


So I hope you liked this (even though it's late

and short)

But yeah







*also don't forget to watch on youtube


we gotta break the record 




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