Chapter Fourteen

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I woke to the sound of my alarm yanking me from sleep.  I shut it off quickly in order to prevent Liam from waking as well.  I looked at him from my awkward angle, his arms wrapped lazily around my torso, and saw that he hadn’t even flinched.

When I tried to gently unlatch myself from him, he tightened his hold, gripping me to his warm body.

“Liam,” I sighed as I tugged on his arm.

His eyebrows knit together as he frowned in his sleep, his muscular arms once again flexing as he held me to him.  As much as I tried, Liam’s grip was so tight that I could not budge at all.

“Liam,” I said again, louder, as I pinched his arm.

“What the hell?” was what he groaned after he jolted awake.

“I’m sorry,” I gushed, “I couldn’t get out.”

“Oh,” he said sheepishly before blushing and unwrapping his arm from my waist.

I tried to contain the unkempt waves on my head as I slipped out of the warm bed, the coolness of my room almost harsh against my skin.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I muttered, turning to him.

He had sat up slightly, resting against the pillows that were leaning on my headboard.  His arms were bent behind his neck as he supported his head, showing off the gorgeous toned muscles there.  They were cast in a golden glow as his brown eyes traced up the line of my body, my shirt rolled up to reveal my stomach.  He tugged at his lower lip with his teeth, purposefully making me want to kiss him.

Liam smirked at me as I gaped at him.

“Hey babes,” he said cooly.

I shook myself before glaring at him.

He just raised an eyebrow and laughed as I turned back around to go into the bathroom.

It amazed me how he could go from embarrassed sweetheart to, in the matter of seconds, a cheeky douche bag.


When I got out of the shower, a towel wrapped securely around my body, Liam had left my room.  I found myself worrying and wondering if he’d left entirely.

He wouldn’t do that, though, would he?

He said I was different, right?

The rumors were rushing through my head as I thought about the many reasons he would leave me alone.

That was, however, until I heard a loud clatter of plastic plates hitting the tile floor in the room next door.

The following sound was Liam cursing loudly.

I rolled my eyes at his impatience as relief rushed in my veins and found a sundress in my closet to wear to work.

I was just sliding it over my hips when the door flung open.

The shriek I emitted before I covered my chest was bound to wake up the whole neighborhood.

“Can you knock?” I snapped.

“Not if I get to see that,” Liam stated, tilting his head towards the arms crossed over my chest.

“Wait outside, will you?” I hissed.

“No,” Liam said, leaning on his arm against the doorframe.



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