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Abuse is mentioned 

Miraleigh sat at the back of the school, her book in her hands and a hood over her face. She had tears in her eyes,  she felt a gush of wind hit her skin and looked up making sure her face wasn't showing and saw Sam. Miraleigh smiled lightly and noticed the worried look Sam had.

"What's up?" Miraleigh asked, placing her bookmark in the page and faced Sam.

"Could I hang out with you?" Sam quietly asked, she nodded smiling and knew something was still up. 

"What happened?" Miraleigh asked, worried for Sam.

"Kyler, he spread rumours around about me. They aren't nice and everyone is turning against me." Sam explained, Miraleigh smiled slightly and gave Sam a light side hug. 

"Don't worry about him, he's an asshole and guess what. Not everyone has turned against you, I still care and I would never do anything like what everyone else is doing. I promise." She nodded with a sad smile and Miraleigh chuckled nodding. 

"So, how is the book going?" Sam asked curiously, Miraleigh nodded looking at the cover and nodded. 

"Quite well, I've almost finished it." Miraleigh explained to Sam, who grinned happily and nodded. 


"Thank you again for the book." Sam rubbed Miraleigh back and nodded.

"Of course, that's the least I can do. I wanna make it all up to you." Miraleigh smiled gently and shook her head.

"You don't have to do anything else." Miraleigh gently grinned and Sam shook her head. 

"I will until I feel better about it." They both chuckled and stood up once the bell went. They went to class, which was seperate ones and Miraleigh only stared at her workbook. She didn't want any one to see the black eye that she got after last night. She walked out with Samantha, grinning at the girl and headed for the theatre. Miraleigh went into the back and gasped seeing a camping cot, a pillow, a warm blanket, a torch and a note. She smiled as she read the note, seating down on the camping cot. 

Miraleigh shook her head as she placed her hand over her mouth in shock, 'he really didn't have to do this for me

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Miraleigh shook her head as she placed her hand over her mouth in shock, 'he really didn't have to do this for me.'  She thought, she grabbed her homework out and started revising and doing it. After it was done, she walked to the pizza place and started her job for the night. She didn't get to the theatre until late, she laid down on the cot. the blanket half on her as it was a bit warm and fell asleep easily. 

The next day she was in the cafeteria and saw Sam walk over to Kyler, Miraleigh couldn't hear what she was saying but then she threw his lunch of the table and everyone went silent. Miraleigh watched Sam, about to get into a fighting stance but then Miguel pretty much kicked his ass. Miraleigh grinned happily, she stifled a laugh and watched Sam give Miguel a look of admiration. Miraleigh stepped to the side as a teacher came down and led Miguel away. She rushed over to Sam and smiled shocked. 

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, Sam nodded chuckled happily. 

"Yeah!" Sam exclaimed, Miraleigh laughed and watched Kyler and his gang run off embarrassed. The room was filled with cheers and whistles, she didn't know Miguel knew how to do all that stuff. It was pretty cool, Miraleigh wouldn't mind able to know how to do all that stuff. She'd want to be able to know how to protect herself from kids at school, strangers and her dad. As she was walking out, Miguel ran up to her smugness and a proud look on his face. 

"That was awesome!" He exclaimed, she nodded in agreement stopping in her tracks and he copied her his eyebrows furrowing. 

"Are you okay?" She asked, Miraleigh wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt or injured. He nodded and then had a lightbulb moment. 

"You know, if you wanted to join my karate dojo I could put in a word for you." He offered.

"Which one is it?" Miraleigh politely asked. 

"Cobra Kai." She nodded slightly and then spoke. 

"I'll think about it, thank you though." 

"I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow." She giggled and nodded waved goodbye and headed on her own way. She decided for a moment, thinking about if she wanted to go to the theatre and stay there or go home. She decided on the theatre giving dad one more day to have the place to himself.

She repeated what she did last night; did her homework, went to work and then went back to the theatre where she had a sandwich from the mini mart. Miraleigh had some water from the bathroom sink tap and then laid back down in bed. Her head was filled with thoughts, making sleeping a hell of a lot harder. She groaned irritated and stood up walking outside and sat on a bench. Her entire body froze, she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up and saw Robby. He sat down next to her with a grin

"Hey." She whispered, he looked at her face and she grimaced forgetting about the black eye. His grin faded away quickly. 

"Who did this to you?" He sternly but gently asked, she looked away from taking some shaky breaths and then looked back at him. 

"My dad." She swallowed the lump in the back of her throat and watched fury fill his eyes. 

"Thank you for all that stuff." She  used it as a way to change the subject and the fact that she wanted to thank him for it. She watched him sigh, shaking his head and nod. 

"Don't change the subject, but you are welcome. Tell me what happened." He gently said, Miraleigh bit her quivering lip and swiped her tears away. 

"A couple of nights ago, he got angry he turned stuff into an argument and he hit me. Giving me the black eye." She quietly explained, he frowned and hugged her. Miraleigh broke down and sobbed into his arms. She took shaky breaths as he rubbed her back and continued hugging him. 

"It's okay, he's not here. You don't have to be scared, not while I am around." She nodded and took a moment before she pulled away from him. He swiped away her remaining tears and gave the girl a comforting smile. 

"Anything good happening for you? She asked, he nodded slightly and she watched him with a curious look. 

"I got a job at the LaRusso dealership, may of had to lie a little bit." She snorted lightly and giggled lightly. 

"Any particular reason why the LaRusso dealership?" She asked and he chuckled nodding. 

"My dad hates Daniel LaRusso, It's kind of a fuck you to my dad." She chuckled slightly and smiled.

"I wish I had that kind of confidence to do that." She whispered, he smiled and shrugged. 

"I'm sure you'll get it." He whispered and looked up at the stars, she copied his actions and felt comfortable and safe next too Robby. 

The Karate Code ~Robby Keene~Where stories live. Discover now