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Jeno pov :

I opened my eyes and lifted my head slowly. My wrists and head hurt like hell and soon i realized i was tied up on a chair. The room i was in was really dark and i could only barely see a my own legs.

I wiggled around and tried to untie myself somehow but the ropes were too tight.
I groaned and tried to move the chair but i almost tripped with it so i decided to give up.

Suddenly the bright lights were on and i felt like i got blinded for a second. Carefully, i opened my eyes again and saw Chaeryeong standing in front of me with a smirk on her face.

"hi Jeno" she said and caressed my cheek with her cold hand

"what the fuck is this? Chaeryeong, let me go! we're friends!"

"but you'll just go to Jaemin, it's no fun"

"have you gone totally crazy? let me go before you get arrested for kidnapping me"

Chaeryeong laughed, she sounded like a maniac "you see, i'm not gonna get arrested. you and me will get married and live a happy life together!"

"you fucking psychopath" i said with wide eyes "i'll never do that"

"it's not a choice for you to make, babyboy" she said and smiled, tilting her head

"Chaeryeong, let me go"

"don't you understand?" she screamed "no! never! you're mine!"

Suddenly she punched me in the stomach. I coughed and panted for a while. Then she smiled again.

"see? that's what you get for not being a good boy and listening to me. Jeno, we can make this easy for both of us, you just have to obey me. okay?"

Jaemin pov :

I ran my hand through my hair out of frustration and sat down on the couch next to Mrs.Lee. She started to rub my back softly and i felt the tears creeping into my eyes.

"it's okay, Jaemin. i'm sure he's okay" she said calmly

"but what if something really happened to him? he asked if i wanted to sleep at here but i said no, i should've just stayed with him!" i said and wiped my eyes before the tears could stain my cheeks

"Jaemin, listen to me. this is not your fault and i'm sure Jeno will come soon. maybe he just wanted to take a longer walk?"

"but it's been three hours already!"

Mrs.Lee sighed "all we can do is wait"

"shouldn't we like call the police or something?"

"we can't yet. i know it sucks but we have to wait at least twenty four hours"

I let out a sob and finally let the tears fall. Mrs.Lee took a deep breath and hugged me tightly.

"i know you're worried, i'm too. but we have to wait" she whispered while stroking my hair

Suddenly the front door opened and we both turned to look. Jay was standing at the door, shaking his head slowly. Mrs.Lee stood up and went to his son who was now crying.

"did you check the park too?" she asked and hugged Jay

"yes. every place i could think of. but i found nothing"

Jay looked at me and i could only see the pain and the worry in his eyes. He broke the hug with his mom and came to me. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"do you mind if i lean on you for a while?" Jay asked quietly

"don't worry" i said and wrapped my arm around his shoulders "i'll be with you until Jeno comes back"

Even though it had only been some hours, all of us were really worried. Because we all knew something had definitely happened, Jeno wouldn't just run away like that alone. Especially at a time like this.

Jeno pov :

Chaeryeong was sitting in the corner of the room and just smiling to me. I took glances of her once in a while as i tried to figure out how to make her let me go.

I didn't know what time it was.

I didn't know where i was.

I didn't know where Jaemin was.

The only thing i knew was that i had to get away. I was scared because i didn't know if Jaemin was in danger or if something had happened to him.

"are you hungry?" Chaeryeong asked suddenly and i looked at her

I gulped "no"

"you sure? it's been so long since you last ate"

"how do you know when i ate?"

"you've been here for four hours already"

"what?" i asked and widened my eyes

"yes. four hours. i can only imagine how worried Jay and your mom must be"

"don't talk about them like you know them"

"but we're gonna be in-laws soon!" she said and i gritted my teeth

"fuck you"

"you can if you want to" Chaeryeong said and came closer to me

She smirked and sat on my lap, her legs on both sides of me. She stared at me for a while before kissing me harshly. I turned my head away quickly.

"you're disgusting" i spat out and Chaeryeong slapped me across my cheek

"watch your mouth!"

She gripped my chin and made me look at her again. She stared at me and pecked my lips.

"i'm gonna get us some food, okay? be a good boy while i'm gone" Chaeryeong said before standing up and walking out of the room

I tried to hear if she locked the door and i gasped when i realized she left it open.
I just hoped it wasn't a door that locks automatically.

I started to wiggle around again and managed to move a few inches with the chair. But there was no way i could escape while being tied up.

Jaemin pov :

I was still hugging Jay when i felt my phone vibrate. I quickly broke the hug and looked at my phone, seeing an unknown number called me.

"you should answer it, it could be Jeno" Jay said and i nodded before picking up

"hi Jaemin"

The speaker was using a voice changer, there was no way it was Jeno. I gulped.

"hello, who is this?"

"i just wanted to inform you that Jeno is safe. he's not going to come back. he loves me, not you. Jeno actually said he's been lying to you the whole time and he thinks you're ugly and fat"


"don't call me back"

The call ended and i felt tears running down my cheeks again. I started to sob and buried my face into my hands. Mrs.Lee immediately rushed to me, pulling me into a warm hug.

Jay rubbed my back softly while i just sobbed. It was too much. I didn't know what to do anymore.

For a while, it felt like it was all over.

Was Jeno really lying to me?

Was he using me just so he could laugh at me or get into my pants?

What would happen next?

But then i realized it. I lifted my head, Jay and Mrs.Lee both looking at me worriedly.

"i think i know who's with him"

<yeah maybe this story isn't over yet..
i hope y'all don't hate me i promise it'll get better>

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