Chapter 83

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Jenna woke up the next morning, feeling as if she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. She wanted to open her eyes and get up, but her headache was bending her down.

      Although when she finally got back to her senses, Jenna suddenly felt an arm wrapped around her tightly. When she turned to look over her shoulder, she saw Sirius sound asleep behind her, holding on to her the way he always did.

     Jenna was certain that he had done so unintentionally in his sleep, and out of habit. But no matter how mad they were at each other, she always felt safe and at peace in his warm embrace.

      Sighing to herself, Jenna slowly grabbed onto his hand which was around her, trying to gently move his arm away from her without waking him up. Jenna was almost successful in removing his arm from around her, but she came to a halt when Sirius stirred in his sleep.

     She glanced behind at him, making sure that he hadn't woken up before moving his hand completely and finally getting out of bed.

      Jenna tiptoed across the room, quietly opening the door and stepping outside, gently closing it again without making a noise. She then walked downstairs after using the bathroom upstairs for a quick shower, making her way toward the house's front door afterwards.

     Although she let out a yelp of surprise when suddenly a voice behind her startled her, saying, "Where are you going?"

     Turning around, Jenna saw Remus peaking his head out of the kitchen, looking at her curiously with a hot cup of tea in his hand.

     "Out?" Jenna shrugged, grinning.

     "Well, how about you go 'out' after some breakfast?" Remus suggested, smiling.

     Jenna hesitated, but sighing in defeat, she followed Remus back toward the kitchen. She always woke up early, and so she wasn't used to someone being awake even before her.

   "Seriously, though," Remus started, pouring her a cup of tea, "where were you going?"

      "Back to our old house," said Jenna, sitting behind the kitchen table as Remus placed a toast on the plate before her, taking his seat beside her.

     "The Potter Manor?" Remus questioned, but Jenna shook her head.

      "The flat I used to live in with Sirius," she explained. "I wanted to get some clothes for myself and him. I'm tired of washing the ones I'm wearing now over and over again. Besides, I doubt Sirius will have anything to wear at Grimmauld Place. His mother had probably thrown away all his clothes, and even if she hadn't, they would be too small for him to wear anyway. The last time he was at that house was when he was sixteen."

     Jenna smiled sadly at the memory. She could still remember that rainy night Sirius had showed up at their door, carrying only a single trunk with himself after running away from home.

      Jenna remembered how miserable he was, but the Potters had accepted him into their crazy little family with open arms, convincing him to live at their house until he was of age.

      "Dumbledore sent a Patronus to me earlier this morning, by the way," Remus said after a short while. "He said Grimmauld Place is ready for the Headquarters. He's already done all the necessary protection charms. All that's left now is the Fidelius Charm. Dumbledore will be its Secret Keeper."

     "So when will be the first Order meeting?" Jenna questioned, taking a sip of her tea after it had cooled a bit.

      "He said he would send another Patronus to notify us of the first time and date," said Remus. "Although I think he'd want us to get there earlier than the others, to make sure everything is in order."

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