Chapter 146

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With their hands still laced together, Sirius and Jenna walked down the alleyway, enjoying the peaceful quiet of the night. Sirius couldn't wipe away the smile from his face. He was strolling through a village freely, and more importantly, he had the love of his life right beside him, walking together hand in hand.

"Being here makes me want to stay forever," said Jenna, moving closer to Sirius as they walked on, looking around the familiar village that she had known ever since she was a kid.

"Then why don't we stay here for the night? Or even longer, if you like," Sirius suggested. "We'll stay at the Potter Manor."

"Then what about the Weasleys? They're gonna wake up the next morning and think that we've gone missing or something," Jenna said with a light chuckle.

"It's okay, I'll send an owl to them early in the morning."

"Sirius, when was the last time you woke up early?" Jenna raised a playful brow at him.

"Good point..." He nodded thoughtfully, making her laugh. "Then you write to them tomorrow whenever you wake up. Meanwhile, I've decided to sleep till noon," Sirius said in defeat and Jenna shook her head at him, both of them chuckling afterward.

    "Well, here's an idea," Sirius started after a short pause, looking around, "how about we go to a pub or something. You have no idea how much I miss it."

    "We can't really go to Leaky Cauldron or Three Broomsticks. It's not safe —"

    "No, no," Sirius cut her off, shaking his head, "I was thinking that maybe we could go to a Muggle pub or a restaurant. Anywhere would do. Just... somewhere to have a drink and have fun and see people who aren't part of the Order or Death Eaters."

    "All right." Jenna smiled. "There's actually a pub nearby. It's probably still open."

    "Let's go, then!" Sirius said cheerfully, letting Jenna lead the way to the pub with their hands still intertwined.

     As Jenna had guessed, the pub inside the village was still open. The moment they stepped in, they were welcomed with warmth and the smell of cigarettes and drinks, but it was rather enjoyable. The pub had wooden floor and a large bar to the right, with red leather bar stools. Yellow lamps lightened up the place, though the pub was still dim in a cozy way, and a few decorative barrels were set behind the bar.

   A light music was playing, setting the mood. The pub was almost filled and all of the tables were occupied. The only free seats were the stools set behind the bar's counter. So with that, Jenna and Sirius made their way over the bar and sat down, looking around them in amusement.

    "I don't remember this place being here back when I used to live with you and your family," Sirius mused, glancing around with a grin.

    "Yeah," Jenna nodded, "I think it —"

    "Hey! Can I get your order?" Their conversation was broken off when the bartender came forward from behind the bar.

    Jenna and Sirius looked up, only to see a girl in her late twenties. She had long dyed-blonde hair and big brown eyes, with plump pink lips.

    "We'll have two glasses of Fire Whiskey, please —"

    "What he means is," Jenna quickly cut Sirius off, "two glasses of Jack Daniel's."

     The bartender looked between them with an odd expression, but then went to bring the bottle.

    Sirius then frowned and turned to face Jenna in confusion. "What's wrong with Fire Whiskey? And what the hell is Jack Daniel?"

    "Muggles don't have Fire Whiskey, Sirius," said Jenna, laughing. "And Jack Daniel's is a brand of Muggle Whiskey."

     Sirius rolled his eyes playfully before the bartender came over and set two glasses in front of each of them, filling them up with Whiskey. Although Jenna realized that the first button of her white blouse was now open, showing more cleavage than just a minute ago.

    But Jenna tried to ignore this, and also the fact that the bartender had flipped her hair and smiled at Sirius before pouring his drink. Jenna shook her head, trying not to read into it.

    Although just a minute later, the girl returned and placed a plate of hot wings in front of Sirius on the bar's counter.

    "On the house, handsome," she said with a little wink before walking off to the other customers.

    "Great! Free food!" Sirius said with glee after the girl had fone, pushing the plate closer to Jenna, but she gave him a look. "What?"

    "So you're telling me you didn't notice that?" Jenna raised a playful brow at him. "The girl was this close to asking you out in front of me."

    "Oh c'mon, Jenny. Don't take it too seriously," he said with a grin, hoping that the classic joke would cheer her up, but Jenna only shook her head at him in disappointment. "Hey, don't give me that look! If anything, I'm the victim here!"

    "How, exactly?" Jenna chuckled.

    "Well, being this hot and sexy has its own consequences." Sirius let out a mockingly regretful sigh. "Girls just lose their minds when they see me. And I can't help it."

    Sirius was trying to provoke her, and obviously to make her jealous. But for some reason, Jenna's grin only widened.

     "If you say so," she said calmly, giving him a sweet smile, which made Sirius worried.

     "Oh, Jenna..." Sirius sighed. "What's on that mind of yours?"

    "Nothing." Jenna shrugged innocently. But then she took her whiskey glass and drank it all in one go.

    Sirius's eyes widened as she placed down the empty glass on the counter. Although his confusion grew when Jenna took off her jacket, and then she tucked at the bottom of her tight black top, pulling it slightly down.

    Sirius raised a brow at her curiously, although then his eyes automatically fell down on her chest.

    "Yes?" Jenna turned to face Sirius, holding back her smile.

    "Er... nothing." He briskly shook his head and looked away, taking a sip of his drink. He then picked one of the hot wings, trying to distract himself.

    "Excuse me!" Jenna called out the bartender over.

     "Yes?" said the girl, stealing a glance at Sirius, looking him up and down.

     "Could you fill this up, please?" said Jenna, pushing he glass closer to the bartender.

    "Sure." The girl nodded, bringing the bottle to pour some more whiskey into her glass.

     But then, before the girl could walk away, Jenna turned to face Sirius sideways.

     "You've got a little sauce at the edge of your lips," Jenna pointed at his lips, even though there was nothing there.

    "Really?" Sirius mused. "Let me grab a napkin —"

    But before he could do anything else, Jenna reached out and ran a finger across his lips seductively, her eyes gazing deep into his grey ones.

    She pulled away, biting her lower lip innocently. "Oh, will you look at that? I didn't get it."

    "Jenny, what are you —" he was saying, but Jenna cut him off as she leaned in and grazed her tongue against his bottom lip. And then, in a quick motion she grabbed a hold of his coat's collar, bringing him into a deep kiss.

    A groan escaped Sirius's throat as he was cut off guard, but the moment he got a hold of what was going on, he kissed her back passionately, placing a hand on her left cheek to guide her face closer to his.

    The bartender rolled her eyes and moved away to attend to the new customers, and so Jenna pulled back, smiling triumphantly. Although Sirius felt out of breath, looking dazed.

    "And that's how it's done," said Jenna with a grin, sipping on her whiskey as she sent Sirius a wink.

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