Chapter 15

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Upon hearing the news of her friend being tortured into insanity and currently living in St. Mungo's hospital along with her husband, Jenna was silent for long minutes in shock before she finally broke down to tears.

  "H-how — wh-why her — h-how could anyone do that to her," Jenna cried on Remus's shoulder. "She didn't deserve that — she never deserved that..."

"I know, Jenna, I know," Remus muttered, running his hand up and down her back.

"It shouldn't have been like this — she had a son! She — she didn't know anything! IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY!"

Remus said nothing. He only tightened his grip around her.

"I-it was supposed to be us, happy together... Sunday lunches at my parents' house with my husband and brother and his wife and kid... we were supposed to gather around every once in a while, all of us, with you, Sirius, James, Lily, Marlene, Alice, Frank... but now — now it's all ruined. Everyone's gone..."

     She cried the whole night in Remus's arms as he tried to comfort her, until she finally fell asleep in his embrace out of exhaustion.

    With that, Remus placed her down on his bed and drew the blankets on top her. He then took a spare pillow, wanting to buckle up on the floor for the remaining hours of the night to get some sleep, seeing as he had his first class early tomorrow.

    But the moment he was about to leave Jenna's side to sleep on the floor, her hand grabbed onto his wrist, stopping him.

     Remus looked back at her with a sad frown on his face. She had her eyes closed but she was still whimpering lightly and crying quietly as she held onto his hand.

     "Please don't leave me..." Jenna whispered miserably, a tear rolling down her cheek.

      Remus hesitated at first, but then again he had never seen his friend like this; so broken, so sorrowful. So he let out an inaudible sigh before slowly getting under the covers with her, bringing her into his arms.

      So Remus just caressed her hair and placed a soft kiss on top of her head with an arm wrapped around her as she sobbed into his chest, and he whispered, "It's okay... I'm here..."


The next day, Jenna woke up to the feeling of someone shaking her gently on the arm. She groaned as she tried to get up, but her headache was weighing her down.

     "Wake up, Jenna," said Remus softly, patting her arm softly.

     Jenna finally opened her eyes with strong effort, sitting up and leaning her back against the headboard.

    "Here, I brought you some breakfast," said Remus, handing her a few toasts with a smile. "McGonagall gave me weird looks when she saw me nicking them."

    "Thanks. I was growing sick of cat food." Jenna chuckled, taking them from him. "Minnie's still here, then."

    "Yeah," he nodded with an amused grin. "And guess who's the new Potions professor?"

    "Woah, Slughorn retired?" Jenna's eyes widened, taking a bite of her toast. "Who's replaced him?"


    "Snape — Snivellous is here!?"

    Remus chuckled, nodding again. "Better not call him that now. Anyway... I better get going. I've got my first class in half an hour."

    "I can't believe you're teaching this year." Jenna grinned. "Also, I'm glad to know you still carry chocolate in your pockets wherever you go, Remus."

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